GMC CCKW 353 in Greek hands


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Sep 4, 2022
So the Italians got shamed when they thought they could just roll into Greece.
Then Germany said enough of this, and did their thing, much more convincingly.
Convincingly enough for the British to divert troops and resources of an already overstretched Mediterranean mandate to lend a hand.
Too little, too late, not too well organized either.
Time to get back to Cairo! And along with them some Royal Hellenic warriors, to be equipped by Britain, and in this case, given an American lend/lease truck.

My time is 2017, maybe my fourth build, getting to know my four LHSs, learning about the stuff you can find on the web, aftermarket, etc.

I'm finding out that I really like engines. Hadn't looked at one since my '76 Corolla.
But you can find great stuff, guys rebuilding the real ones, manuals and photos.


... and if you want more detail, there is styrene, brass and teeny tiny wires the car guys use to detail their rods.


... and chains! did I say chains? more chains!
... and AM guns, and accessories! and Decals! I was a very happy boy.


So the truck has now joined the family of the Royal Hellenic Air Force, operating in Egypt, on its way back to the airfield with a COSTCO batch of supplies.

... do you think he looks Greek? the Mediterranean complexion, the stash maybe?

not too much in the way of weathering, in 2017 that was still scary stuff. Its still scary stuff, but back then I didn't quite appreciate how many ways I could screw it up!

Parting shot

BTW, that's my industrial compressor I intend to hook up to an airbrush one day!
Pretty happy with the two saws.
The engine side cowling tucked in the back.

Thanks for lookin'

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