

Active Member
Aug 27, 2024
Is hairspray used in scale modeling and if so what is it used for. I am asking because i heard it somewhere months ago but dont remember what it was used for. I have acan of it that i got for scale modeling back then.

It's used for chipping effects .
It acts like a bond breaker ,
You first spray the hairspray on and then the color coat atop that .
When you get that compound film wet , or damp , the hairspray loses adhesion -- it's a similar acrylic to what's used on decals that swells and loses adhesion when wetted -- and it debonds and takes the color coat with it .

You can control the amount of delamination with the amount of wetting and rubbing with a swab , toothbrush etc
Oh ok, so if i used it after the primer coat then spray on base coat, the base coat will show the primer color when wetted which looks like the paint is chipped.

i guess if i used rust colored primer then it would appear to be chipped and rusted in those areas, cool beans.
If you're wanting to experiment hairspray method, practice on a mule kit. NEVER on a kit you're working on.

Hairspray for chipping isn't a requirement or must have. There are chipping paints / paint pens as well.

If I'm doing chipping, I do it by handbrushing. I never do hairspray method for chipping. Salt method I've seen for weathering and they turn out fantastic. Never done that either but like to try one day.

FWIW…. it's not worth it unless you know what the hell you're doing and done in moderation and lot of control in what you're trying achieve. Practice makes perfect.

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