hawker typhoon decals


New Member
May 27, 2012
i recently completed a build of a typhoon. chipping went well and i left it to set. i only turned my back for 15 minutes and the kid grabbed it ..... long story short lol. if anyone can use decals for a hawker 2 typhoon id be more than happy to mail them to you. email me if intrested
Sorry to hear that, Sam.
But it does bring back memories of when my son found my old Keaton Batmobile and proceeded to strip it.
indeed. although upsetting at least it wasnt a dragon kit lol. i had recently ordered one but its on backorder so i got the typhoon to pass the time and to practice free hand camo.
I feel your loss Sam. :'( While my kids are all grown up and out of the nest I have a mangy terrorist of the feline type that enjoys raising hell at my modeling bench. Seems I can't leave my paint brushes out in the mason jar on the modeling bench to dry. Someone likes to jump up on the work surface and chew the bristle end of the brushes off, Iv'e lost 2 so far. I'm pretty sure he's also been nibbling at the power cord on my air compressor to so I've been keeping my air hoses and paint brushes put away in a cabinet.

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