Heavy Raider Cylon (kitbash from a Super Hornet)


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
I know that the Heavy Raider is not with this kind of shape but I choose to ignore it :D

My friends challenged me to make a kitbash from whatever I want with a Cylon Raider in the end... I thought about it, made several plan (like the cylons) and end up with a kitbash essentially made out from a F-18 1/48 scale from Revell.
There's also some other parts kits, Valkyrie, Gundam, P-38, Excelsior, Robogear and even a pearl (the right shiny eye)... Just try to figure out what is what ! New game, nothing to gain ! :D

Here is a looooooot of pictures ! Enjoy !

One night...

One morning, on sunshine...

The red pearl make the trick !

Some morning, on black background with natural lighting.

WOW!!!! :eek:
Wicked indeed, man!!
If You have some, could You please post a couple of work-in-progress pics?
You're really spoiling us here with all these sweet photos. ;D

Mean looking ship! Terrific vision to build something like this. :)

Actually I think all kind of inspiration and shape can be made out from regular kits. It's funny what kind of combination you can find with one or another kit (not the same kit parts, for example, so not the same result).
Just try : if you don't want to be screen accurate and just do it for fun following your insinct, it's a quick process (like drawing).
Wow, thanks for those awesome links, mate!
Actually, I'm not a facebook user, but registered specially to watch your works, and all I can say is 6 letters:
S_U_P_E_R_B!!! :eek:

For a long time I was planning on something like a viper evolution stand where the 3 commercially released types vipers would have been presented flying side by side.
Now, with the soon release of the Moebius TNS Raider kit, and if I get the old revell/monogram one, I might consider building something like your awesome heavy version to make 3 models for a so to say "rivals" display opposite to the viper's one.

P.S: If You know that guy who have built those models from aluminum beer cans, tell him, how greatly fascinated by his work am I as well. He is absolutely a monster of beer-cans model making in a good sense ;D
HAHAHA ! Thanks ! :D

Yeah, there a lot of gallery to watch on my FB account :D Sorry about the french commentary but since i'm French an most of my contacts are too... But really have to add something in english I thinK.

My friend Max is the on who made the Arcadia from beer can. The fact he didn't even drink any of those. He choose the can for the color. He made a Naboo Starfighter from Dark Dog Cans too.
He works with the Papercraft models but modify the way to build it : no glue at all on his cans works ! :D
Difficult to explain in english. Let's say that the different parts are attached together and not glued.
The Arcadia Beer can is the mascotte of our little papercraft, modelcraft group that move town to town to participate on various exhibit. The Arcadia is a good way to identify our group. :D
Another shoot token at Geekopolis Festival last month (Paris).


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