Because i already have an account with ebay, so its a similar price, free shipping in most cases and less input to purchase making the whole process faster. Plus there are some ebay buyer protections i get that i dont get from an individual seller as well as feedback that alot of individual sites dont have. Thats the business end of the reason.
Personal reason, as a web programmer that website looks like its 25+ years old in its coding. It does not scream im current, safe and professional when i look at it (not eye candy but some basic asthetics). It looks like a web site builder that a 3rd grader made up. Knowing what things look like behind scene as in server side code gives me an insite that probably alot of people on here dont know or care about. I am not saying that what i just said above is true as i have not investigated the site or its background or its code. I am just simply speaking off the cuff from many years experience in what seems to be 2+2 = 2, sometimes it does not but the majority of the time it does, i hope that makes sense. Thats the personal reason but its not a personal attack on the site, just my head getting in the way of my choices is all so dont take that as a negative. One persons nice car is another persons dreaded car, just a personal choice.
no offense intended.