I now rent LakeFront property :)


Demolitions Expert
Mar 5, 2012
The considerable amount of rain has essentially submerged my entire neighborhood down here in Southeast GA. They expect anywhere from 10-25" of rain within the next 48 hours. Roads are closed and half of my staff here at the base has been flooded in to their houses and cant make it to work.....LUCKILY. I rent so i dont have to worry about property damage other than my car and personal property. still rather alarming to let the dogs out in the morning and squint into the gloom only to see him doggy paddling his way back tot eh concrete slab porch :) Tons of turtles and Armadillos out now too.....along with that all the big snakes that typically hide in the woods are sittin next to my garage :mad:

Anyone else gettin the Hurrican Betty Lovin'?
Sorry to hear about the weather there, stay safe! And send some of that rain up here please.


That's 3 streets down from me.....luckily I'm a little on the higher elevations of the neighborhood
Oh man thats terrible, stay safe man. I know its bad to say but everytime I see flooded areas I want to wakeboard across them.....ducks. I mean no dissrespect by that, I just cant help it.

Someone beat you to the idea,well to kayaking at least :) there are kids wakeboarding everywhere actually....cant really blame them. not much else to do in this town
You southern boys sure are a hardy lot TBadger, dealing with all that bad weather with big reptiles to boot. :eek: Not my cup of tea, I'll stay up north here by my Canook cousins and deal with the snow 3-to 4 months out of the year.
Stay safe, we'll keep you guys in our thoughts an prayers.

P.S. I don't think I'll ever become a snow bird.
Oh I'm from Pennsylvania,I'm definitely not here by choice :) anyone who likes living here is nuts......bugs, roaches, animals, really ignorant people and weather that comes out of nowhere really, plus no seasons at all. I cant wait to move back to Pittsburgh ! 1 more year or perhaps much less. I'm hoping to have much much less
My wife and I sit and say...."wouldn't it be nice to live here...."

Florida and south east coast of US....hammering hurricanes, and sweltering humidity....nah

Texas....love the heat....humidity can be a killer, so can the tornados.

Ditto for the mid-west, tornados.

California....between the wild fires and earthquakes, I think I will pass.

I am in eastern Canada....what do we have to put up with? Couple of months of winter? The odd tail end of a bad hurricane, which by the time it hits here it has pretty much run out of steam, and a really bad one only comes every couple of years or so. The worst earthquake we had was a 4.8 or something, and that was 25yrs ago. All in all, put up with a little cold and snow for 3-4 months, to me is better than wondering if you will be wiped out from a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or just get hammered with heat exhaustion. Think I will stay right here!
Hey man, I just caught up with this post. Sorry to hear you're going through the flooding! My wife and I went through a 500 year flood event in Rhode Island a few years ago. It is definitely not a fun thing to deal with. It got so bad where we were that the sewers actually started backing up into people's houses and the streets, the whole region smelled like Poop (for a lack of a more descriptive word). Anyways, the flood waters will recede and life will go on.

P.S. Scott, California is not that bad! All the fires have been in New Mexico and Colorado and the earthquakes have been less than 5! Great thing is its an average of 70 degrees (F) everyday where I am with no humidity. (I can run the A.B. all year long :p)
It's currently about 1025.6% Humidity here.....I'm rather certain the inside of my house has "morning dew" :) I cant wait to be back in snow and some ice and weather that varies more than Hot and Muggy to a little less Hot and Muggy.

I think some of the more beautiful palces to live would be Kentucky highlands, Tennesee, Georgia towards Atlanta and I've always watned to give the desert a shot in AZ, NM or NV
P.S. Scott, California is not that bad! All the fires have been in New Mexico and Colorado and the earthquakes have been less than 5!

The difference is, when one does hit out there, it isn't going to be a small one, and half of California will become the newest island in the world.

How long have you been out there? 2 yrs, and you have had 5 quakes (that you have felt), meanwhile here in New Brunswick, Canada, we have probably had 5 that you felt in the last 20+ yrs. Think I will still take my chances with the snow here! LOL

I too can airbrush all year round!

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