Im done with modeling for awhile


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2024
Yep im done for awhile, i was placing the shocks on this bronco and while i was handling the shock the tip melted away and the paint came off, i got pissed and threw the whole freaking model across the room and broke it to pieces. That is not what this hobby is about and i know if it gets to me like that i should not be doing it.
I came here trying to find joy as i have lost it over the years. There is a name for the condition and its called anedonia. I am learning that joy is not something you seek, its something you either feel or dont feel, you have it or you dont. I dont, so i tried different hobbies to try to find it. In my case its not something that medical treatment can help with, i have been down that road and all they try to do is dope me up on more meds which is not what i want or what i need. Me and my Dr. have actualy gotten me off of some meds at my request, now my kidneys are working great again and i did so well this last physical that i can go 6 months without seeing him and he told me i can cancel my kidney Dr as he said my numbers are great again.

I do things to be a good son, i do things to be a good father, i do things to be a good grandfather, i do things to help others, i do things to help myself, but nowhere in that mix is joy for me. So i thought i could find it with a hobby.

Anyway i did not want to get all blah blah blah here. Just wanted to say thanks for your kindness and help along the way. I may be back around someday but at this time i dont know, i just trashed a $50 model so im certainly not happy about that either. Besides i have a long list of outside stuff i need to do now that the mild season is here so ill attack that list.

Best of luck to all and again thanks, your help and kindness are appreciated.
Happy modeling :)

WELL i dont know you sir as im a newbie on this forum but its a shame when it comes to smashin the model up an a 50 bucks one too not cheap that as yes we all have probs with our models something goin wrong or a bad fit as im finding out building my F 18 SUPER HORNET in 1/32 scale but i wont i hope let it get me that bad to prankin it an i sure hope you feel better towards modelin in the futore as ive had a bout of depresshion but im now out of it so i know how you feel sir
OK Dave,
So you lost it with a model and threw it up the wall.... Then followed as you bent down to pick up all those pieces hoping you could at least salvage something from the scrap while muttering "Oh Sh......." like a mantra that modellers have adopted over the decades.... You can hear it from the model plane fliers as they launch their latest creation into the air and realise far too late that they forgot to switch the box back on and they watch in awe as their creation sails off across the busy highway and comes together with the Semi....
Many a day in my model room you can sometimes hear the clang of the tweezers as they hit the radiator either followed before or after with that well known anglo saxon phrase Foff!!! a word known in many languages around the world...
Or you will hear the thud as the number 10A scalpel blade burries itself through the carpet and into the wooden floor board, and then watch me gingerly step near the handle just in case....
I suffer from ptsd in the form that I do not show remorse, I was only diagnosed in 2001, but that is another tale for another day... I can throw a model across the room just because I made a mistake, nothing wrong with the kit, just me allowing the model to annoy me. I knew beforehand that I should put it down and walk away and then come back later and put it in the box and look at something else, but I do not, I used to ignore the warning signs because I did not know what was going on in that department between my ears, now that I do... I still throw the occasional model up the wall, BUT it is a model I knew before I started it that I would not finish it, strange that!!!
I recently started a build of a £200 model of the Antar tractor unit, in all honesty it is a dreadfull kit, but you can make something of it. And so I set to with the rear suspension and axles, all was going well except there was a problem in that the swing mechanism would not attach correctly... Now knowing this manufacturer and having had problems before I accepted the challenge and set to making parts up from tube, and low and behold it all fitted (somewhat) and so I set it up ready for cementing and used about a gallon of c/a to hold it all in the correct stance, and went away to have lunch and watch the news on tv and have a doze... It was when I came back to carry on that I realised I had assembled the suspension correctly but the reason why the fit problem was I had cemented and made parts to fit it the wrong way round!!! Now in trying to dissasemble I lost it and the whole lot ended up kissing the radiator, and the irony is that this was not the first one, this in fact was number 3 of the same vehicle kit...
But here I am, still threatening I am going to build aircraft and still building armour, but slowly learning to PUT IT AWAY!!! when it gives you the finger....

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