Not really. While primer is paint, not all paints are primer!
A primer will give you an even surface for the top coats to go on, as well can have a color effect on the top coat as well.
Take 3 spoons, paint one white primer, one grey primer and one black primer. Then paint the same top coat on each spoon, and see the difference in hue of the top coat.
Same thing will happen to your top coat depending on the color of the plastic you are painting over.
Primer tends to "grip" to the bare plastic much better than just regular paint, and is essential if you are painting with acrylics, as they don't have the "hotter" thinners in them to adhere themselves to the plastic.
Also if your kit has a myriad of different parts: IE: plastic, resin, photoetch, white metal, etc, etc. Primer coat over the kit will even the kit out, which harkens back to the color of what is under the top coat....if you had white plastic, maybe green resin and brass colored PE...your top coat is going to have a patchwork effect to it as it will dry to a different hue on each of the dissimilar medias on the kit.