Interactive Mars panorama

  • Thread starter ScaleModelMadman
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Cool View !! Although known as th Red Planet .... It looks as if there is some Blueish-Green there .... Interesting !!

Thanx for sharing !!

Looks google got there to map out mars then :D

But that is very cool
Very cool, but you would think NASA would have better things to do than to be doing donuts in the Martian sand! LOL
Elm City Hobbies said:
Very cool, but you would think NASA would have better things to do than to be doing donuts in the Martian sand! LOL
I was thinking the same thing. LOL!!!
Outstanding Ken!!! Thanks!! LOL, showed the kids and then durred out staring at it for about 10 minutes!! Beats those junky pics of Mars we seen as kids!!
T, tell 'em they can zoom in and out using the scroll, and click and hold the button to move around/release to stop, it's totally interactive.

...if they didn't figure that out themselves that is. ;)
what mission thingy is this from? the last one or the new one?
spud said:
what mission thingy is this from? the last one or the new one?

I was about to say the new one that just landed, but if you hit "Scroll Down" at the bottom of the page, it gives you a little explanation:

This is the latest panorama released by NASA July 2012. It was assembled from 817 images taken between Dec. 21, 2011, and May 8, 2012, while Opportunity was stationed on an outcrop informally named 'Greeley Haven'. on a segment of the rim of ancient Endeavour Crater.

So must be from the Mars Rover that landed a couple of years back.
It has tracks on it, sure you didnt build that thing Ken ? ;)

very cool thanks for sharing
LOL...Rookie he did build it! He was trying to make a nice Dio-vignette-rama thing and the first attempt was just not right....sold the rover to NASA and bought a Celticwerks Base instead.

CTspeedshop said:
Elm City Hobbies said:
Very cool, but you would think NASA would have better things to do than to be doing donuts in the Martian sand! LOL
I was thinking the same thing. LOL!!!

It was a victory dance the rover did upon landing. Cut them some slack. ;D

At the risk of getting philosophical though, those things are both fascinating and depressing. Fascinating in that we're able to look around at what another planet looks like - depressing in that there's literally nothing there...not even interesting mountains or valleys of any kind. Pathfinder '97 looks to be the only one with anything truly unique in it - A lot of the rest look very nondescript and it's hard to tell one from the other.

It's gonna be a while before there's any major discoveries up there.

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