Eastrock said:
well I do share your experience man, you need to set your priorities first. what I did is take odd jobs, to have money in my pockets, then slowly progress to a better job, you must have some sacrifices at first but it would be rewarding at the end.
thats what im doing right now...
to tell you the truth guys, most people don't take me seriously when i say this, but i trust you guys will, i really cant get a good paying job right now, i can only really get under the table pay, the medications i take, are extremely expensive, and if i where to get a decent paying job now..., they would take my insurance away beacuse supposedly would "be making enough money to take care of myself." i would be broke trying to pay for my medications alone, i would go back to MCTI and be pretty much screwed. the last time i got a good job, i was doing grounds maintenance work, getting paid almost 200 bucks a week, my insurance had a fit since i was 18 or 19 and now a adult, and i almost lost it, the only reason i was able to save it was beacuse i was going to school again. my parents put it this way when i was a kid at the time i got that job, "if we would have tried paying for your medications, we would have went bankrupt."
it makes me feel lazy beacuse i cant get a job, people always are saying that the problem with people on Social Security and stuff are always lazy and bum off the system, but i don't want to be like that, and let me tell you calling me lazy is the last thing you want to do, beacuse i am not, i truly think i work pretty hard, and if i could get a job you bet your bottom dollar i would be getting one, i am more scared than anything, if i lose my insurance, i am in a deep hole or metaphorically speaking, my wings are clipped!
i just love this system, they want you to get a job, but if you get one they screw you over...
my plan is once i get out of school is to jump into the job system and put the pedal to the floor... make my own money, start getting jobs, so i can pay for myself, right now i really cant get a decent enough job to do so, i feel it would be too much of a risk.