Kitbash Star Destroyer (original design)


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
I made this from the Imperial Star Destroyer, the infamous MPC kit.
it's my proud and joy, a very personnal design and modified Star Destroyer. The bridge command was missing, so i imagined some solutions... And came up with this :D

Me, fixing some parts, completing the build...


The very last pictures of it, by friends, since i was working on fixing some parts broken during a voyage to Orleans (yes, the Jeanne d'Arc's town !), here...

If you identify the kit parts, you're lucky... There's a Mir space station, B-52 1/100 Tamiya wings, Zeta Gundam 1/100, various planes kit parts like a 1/48 F-14 Monogram, Queen Mary 2, various battleships, Charles de Gaulle air carrier, coffee spoons, Robogear kit parts, pearls, a LOT of sprues for the structure and hull details, some option kit parts from Kotobukiya and Wave...
Awesome ship.....looks like it bridges the gap between the Venator class and Victory class star destroyer designs. :)
That is fan-fricking-tatsic!!!!!!
Looks far more gnarly, aggressive, and imposing, than the standard S.D.
LOVE it! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

It's actually inspired by a fan film I saw 2 years ago. But also by some neat design from the comic books (especially Heir to the Empire, a French guy made this) like the Dominator.

I made several sketches.

And in the meantime made a structural shape out of plastic sprues (my original intent was to make the layers of the ship using the layers of the sprues, plus some plastic card parts mostly cut out of... sprues :D).

But I began with that. A kit badly painted, with the command bridge missing. A friend gave it to me knowing I can do something out of it.

So then, sprues and B-52 wings...

All made in one or two nights watching bad programm on tv.

Finally I made up my mind with a mandible area in the front and began to made this...

Making the Command bridge was a tricky part. It's way too big but, who cares ? :D Here, with all the blue, red and white colors from the Zeta Gundam kit, it looks like a Lego building :D

After one week and more detailing it ended up like this...

Now, sir, this looks TOTALLY AMAZING!
Crazy stuff, I solute your scratch-building skills!
Just listening to the kit parts... :D

It's kind of weird actually. It's like the sculptor with a stone, he actually SEE what the stone will be, observe the curve, the thickness, the brightness, he can feel it...
Same here, with me and my kitbashes.

Let me tell you a story of great adventuuuuuuuure (voice of the begining of CONAN THE BARBARIAN :D )

Well, that was more like Doc in back to the future. The F-5E kit fell from a pile of kits, right on the top of my head in the bathroom. TRUE STORY ! And the parts, here, showed me a new way to arrange their shape to do a Viper. That was the begining of total madness...

But that's another story... (still the magnificent voice of CONAN THE BARBARIAN, at the End :D )
My Star Destroyer was shown, part of it open to make understand people what it was made of, at PARIS MANGA, a local Manga, and Sci-fi, convention. It was last week.


The public was not cool though, most people wanted to touch... They didn't understand what it was (morrons) nore read the signs (Do not touch please).

Have windows could be cool, but it's difficult to move, to install, and so on...

And you need room to do something correct. This conventions didn't understand that concept. Even if I exhibit some miniatures I need SPACE, a lot of it !
Some pictures of the Star destroyer found on my archives album... It was the subject of exhibition this past 2 or 3 years, so there is pictures of it that can show it in different angles. And a better quality of image :)

At CHibi Japan Expo in 2010, along with my Kitbash Battlestar Tigershark, and my good friend Madox.


Myself, explaining some details about my kits to a visitor. It was at Montrouge, in 2011, the Star Destroyer is shown half open to demonstrate that you actually can use your sprues to do some structure and help you build something big. In fact the upper "fuselage" can be opened in order for me to detail and paint the windows in the trenches. An act you can find difficult otherwise...
I had my Viper Mirage too... :)


The all stand at Montrouge, my Star destroyer standing there, in the top.


Those pictures made me think about the final color of the hull. I really hesitate between a grey or dark grey (not white that's for sure, or dirty...), or some patterns on it, like in Clone Wars.

What do you think ? :)
More pictures...
During Chibi Japan Expo, November 2009, a lot of little parts were selected to be glued on the Star destroyer.


Me, smiling, don't know why but, for once, I like this picture... :)

My Star Destroyer on an exhibition at Geekopolis (Paris)


(the main panels are not glued nore correctly positioned on this picture. It's because I show the interior to the visitors, made from scratch and runners.)

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