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Too stiff for camo scheme? Nope. Keep rolling the blue stuff until you get it soft. Then it will be more pliable to use. If you're concerned about sharp lines of camo scheme, airbrush it freehand with a dual action airbrush.

The reason I advise against using PlayDoh is because no one uses that stuff or never heard of anyone using it either. I've been building model kits for over 50 years so I should know PlayDoh is not recommended. You'll thank me later.

But hey, I guess you'll have to learn the hard way. You do know PlayDoh is sold at Walmart or Target, right? Had to laugh when you mentioned you ordered PlayDoh.

Not trying to be an @$$hole, but you did ask for advice or input and I gave it.

 And no, I don't need to stand still and take a deep breath either. My tone is not meant to be rude. Today, folks seem to react offended by anything posted nowadays. Man up. I don't have time to coddle and worry whether feelings and opinions are offensive. Dealt with enough woke liberal softies by the masses these last 4 years.
