I don't know where to post this but I'm neither looking to trade or sell really. I built and Arnold figure with battle damage from Terminator 2. He's 100% complete except one of the belt ends came up missing some how. I made it as they were both missing when I bought it. I can make a new one or whoever wants this can do it instead. I offered it to another member here but I haven't heard anything from them about it. I originally wanted $75.00 for the work. I paid for the paint and glue and everything else. This was a Horizon Terminator figure that was sent to me by a non paying customer. If anyone is interested you can send me a PM with your mailing address and I can either sell it at any offer or just pay for the shipping. I don't want him to tip over and get broken again. I've already glued him together TWICE. It's not noticeable. I'm tired of trying to find a place for him where he won't get knocked over. I have pictures if anyone wants to see them.
Arnold also comes with the Terminator arm that comes in the glass tube, a grenade launcher, Winchester rifle, shotgun shells, and complete figure. I made the radar eye for him from a rhinestone and shaped it into a round eye with a power drill and polished it so that he looks like his eye is lit up when you look at it in the light. I have tried to no avail to sell Arnie on ebay but it seems as no one wants him. (It appears as though most people would rather pay $400.00 for a mass produced model from Hot Toys with similar paint quality.) He has a full metal skin over the endoskeleton - not paint! This was a true labour of love but the original owner did not pay me. So I have had him for a while but want to find a new home for him if nothing else. He's a resin recast from what I can see - not a vinyl model. He also has white resin inside his legs for weight. Thank you for reading and have a great day!