

New Member
Aug 26, 2012
I don't know if this was ever posted on another thread seeing I'm a new guy here lol but I read this on another forum and thought it was a brilliant idea so I figured I would just pass the info on to yous guys. These Hexagonal Beads would make perfect lug nuts. Get a pack of these beads, a few pieces of styrene rods and your ready to go.

Drill the holes in the wheel with a .69 bit. Take one of these beads and stick it on the styrene rod. Put the hexagonal bead a smidgens down on the rod. Super glue the bead to the styrene post. (The smidgens will give you your stud appearance). Push styrene rod through the hole of the wheel till the bead is tight against the wheel. From behind, super glue the styrene rod where the rod meets the wheel. Cut off the remainder of the styrene rod. Repeat the process for each of the four or five holes in each wheel. You have a realistic looking lug nut in each wheel.

If you knew this prior sorry for wasting your time (lol), but if you didn't, hope this helps you and you can use this idea on your future kits.

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What beads are they ?? and where do you get them ??
Gimme a bit as Ill do another search and figure out what brand they are etc. I just did a quick google search for glass hexagonal beads the other week.

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