M1083 FMTV Standard Cargo Truck


New Member
Nov 12, 2013
So I've started my second 'proper' military build the M1083 FMTV Standard Cargo Truck (by Trumpeter).
I plan on building a small fleet of Military trucks which I'd like to then create a diorama around, but I'm not going to get too ahead of myself here... ::)

On with the build!

I won't be going for accuracy on my trucks, I'd like to build a kind of fictional private military or organised rebel faction in terms of the paint schemes.
I've not worked out the details yet but I've a few ideas in mind.
at this stage I'm also quite open to ideas if anyone would like to make any suggestions also.

The Kit (well.. the box it came in)


2 Hours work! There are soo many tiny parts!

OOPS! I put the axle on upside down!
Unfortunately by the time I noticed this there were too many parts glued to and around it.
just hope this one doesn't bite me later :(
also some flash in there I've missed.


And the chassis and [un-started] cab primed


Thanks for looking... more soon.
i love the look of the this vehicle and all the bolt on goodies i have seen people add to it, i hope you plan to do the same.
hook - Yea the chassis has soo many parts to it must have been at least 5 hours work on just that, love the detail though.

Jimi - I was planning mostly stock on this one as I've not built a kit with this much detail before, maybe add some cargo but I'm open to ideas. don't 'suppose you have any links to others' builds of this kit I wasn't able to find many in my search.

I do also have the armour cab vers of this truck on its way to me and I may be adding the Voyager PE set for it too.
But my next build I will be adding some extras, it'll be the MK.23 MTVR Cargo Truck + Voyager PE set + what ever else I can think of when it comes to that build.


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