merseajohn's Anigrand 1/144 Tie Defender


For Spud: I was once Merseajohn
Jan 4, 2011
Hey guys, a real quickie for you. Its the excellent little resin Tie Defender from Anigrand, it comes with the 1/144 scale Imperial shuttle and is also 1/144. Details are pretty sharp for it's size ( though a little soft on the Cockpit 'ball').
Parts layout:
Not much flash to deal with and only little marks where it's been removed from the mold:
Dry fitted:
Primed with humbrol acrylic primer from the can:
Pics will get better, I'm just using my phone because I feel lazy today!! ;D
:eek: LOL...Impressive....tiny, but impressive!!! You will get me to build SCI-Fi if you keep this up!! ;D
Really nice! You're building up a little 1/144 fleet. Should look great in pursuit of the Falcon, or the other way around!

And T, I for one would love to see you build Sci-Fi, especially some of the Star Wars stuff!
Cheers Todd, Building a Sci Fi kit wouldnt be that bad surely ;) lol! And Igard I've still plenty of 1/144's to do: Imp Shuttle, Tie Droid, Chris Clawcraft, Tie Predator etc ;D
Anyhoo got some Satin black on the solar panels:
And some TINY preshading lol:
There's no stopping you! Look out folks he's running off the tracks! Wait.....what, no lights! Tell me you can't fit a .005mm LED in those engines and in that cockpit. I'm sure MicroMart has a super mini melon ball scoop you can use to hallow out the cockpit ball. It's only $8.95 and $47.60 for shipping.
Ha ha cheers guys, don't think I will be lighting it (I'll leave micro scale lighting projects to Nicholassagan!). Gotta little update, just showing how annoying the maskin is going to be! I've got 3 wings and both sides to do.....maybe this won't be done by Friday Scott! Work gets busy today so model work has to slow down :(
--gets magnifying glass out to study that masking--

Yip, that looks like some fine work, Mr MerseaJohn. :)
Thanks G! And.....G! So my eyes hurt.
Got some light grey on:
And here's how they look without the masking tape:
Cockpit canopy is ridiculous :eek:
Should all be done by the end of the week (just in time for me to start a new model for the comp ;D)
Sorry the pics have been taken on my phone but works been really busy and I havnt had time to set up the 'studio' and get the decent camera out. The final pics will look ok though I hope.
Thanks for looking and as always comments welcome :)
Hey that looks like one of my missing contact lenses! ;D

Super patient job with the masking, this will look amazing when put together.
Cheers Igard!
Ok couldn't put this down here's the cockpit ball all weathered up (but not to much). That's it for tonight zzzzzz

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