Monogram 56 Chev Bel Air


This is not a toy
May 18, 2012
My son nagged the hell out of me to buy this while we were at the LHS the other day. I finaly gave in, thought it would be cool to build it together...


Wasnt that impressed with the quality of the kit ,lots of flash and poor fitting parts , nothing a little scraping and sanding couldnt fix.


Got the block put together


Hard to hold back, but got encouraged son to do as much of the cutting and glueing as he could..



Mixed up some Tamiya red and yellow to try and get as close to Chev orange as I could then handed the airbrush over to my son, managed to get some paint on the engine block Looking forward to spending some more time with this on the weekend.
Your son did a decent job painting that engine. Be interesting to see what you guys do with this.

As far as quality goes, I believe this kit has been around for a good while. Older the kit, usually equals crappier quality. But, some of the old kits do have pretty neat subject matter.
Made a little more progress today, got dome more stuff painted.

Mocked up the body and chassis



Painted some sliver on the gearbox, and used gunmetal on the drivetrain and diff



Shot some flat balck over the whole thing as a primer/basecoat .Looks cool so we are thinking we might stick with the falt black on this. Great pracitce for my son with the airbrush ,painting large areas and you cant realy go wrong with flat black!


Got the underside of the bonnett ( or hood for you northern hemispherians ) painted. Ejector marks allover the place, didnt bother with them too much but I would have spent a little more time on them if I was doing this myself. This kit is not a bad starting point if you were realy into
detailing up


Hope to get all the shiny bits on the engine tomorrow and perhaps finish off the chassis. I'm trying to figure out a way to lower this thing a little, sits a little high on the box pic for my liking. Will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Nice work so far and great to see it a joint effort................ya sons got great taste ;D ;D
Got the donk assembled today, the kit comes with options for a "stock" or "custom" . This engine is for the custom version. The plastic on this kit is quite hard and shiny and doesnt take to glue I use very well. Had to scrape off all the chrome and paint before any thing would stick. My son wasnt that keen to paint the belts with a brush so he just went over them with a magic marker


Engine and drive train in place, took a bit of work to get everything lined up


The cusotm engine option requires some surgery on the hood, used my hobby knife and scraped away. I guess this is where a dremmel or somesuch tool would come in handy


The kit has several options for hood scoops , I think it looks cool the way it is with the carberetours ( ?) poking out through the hood. Will let my son decide what he wants to do with that when the time comes.


This is turning out to be a fun build and seem to be gettin through it much quicker than anything I make by myself.

Thanks for looking :)
Looking good!

And I would have to agree, the hood looks better without a scoop and just the engine poking through. Meaner!
Been a while since we have had a chance to make any progress on this. Got the interior painted....

I see red....


Need to pick out a few details in the interior.
Sprayed a coat of Tamiya semi gloss over the body to protect it and prepare for the decals


We are hoping to finish up this weekend...

Thanks for looking
Ok some more progress today..

First up my son did the chrome detail strips running down the side of the body.... after much debating with Dad he decided to use a silver pen. Was pretty tricky going and he got quite alot well, everywhere.... lol. Not to worry we touched up with some matt black afterwards.


Next up the interior bits and pieces. Still very red, kinda reminds me of the old TV show batmobile.


Got the wheels stuck on with some help from little sis ;D


Now the fun part, those cool decals....!!

Still just a mock up at this stage , must admit though this thing looks wicked 8). My son came up with the idea of the skull and crossbones on the boot lid, decal stolen from the "Dinah" I am currently making.


On the home straight now, just the chrome bumpers and light surrounds to go, want to give it another coat of matt clear to seal down the decals too.

As always thanks for lookin, and if you get a chance build a model with your kids ;D
Nice work on this Rook and Fam!!! Always more special when you can share the build with you kids!!! Keep up the great work!!! ;)
Your not only building models, your building memories. My daughter and son love to help out too!
This is really cool to see, I like when my son shows interest in working at the bench with me. I think the markers and pen are great choices for him, easier for him to control.

Nice job on the decals too.
Had a blast making this, pretty decent result for a totaly OOTB build. Finished it off a few weeks ago but just got round to posting

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Thanks for looking, next on the List is a Hasegawa 1/48 my son got for his Birthday ( little bugger !) so I'm thinking we will do our own lil group build as I have an ICM spit in the stash. Should be fun we can get a production line going ! ;D
Great finish Rookie!!! Congrats to you and your son for finishing a fine model!! Looking forward to seeing you next piece in the works!!

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