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Hi everyone. It's been a long time I posted here.

A few weeks ago, I was looking to my recycle bin and I took a little cardboard box from Amazon. I decided to make some tests, to see if I could build something that would look cool. I was especially interested in building my first 6mm building for my future 6mm wargaming terrain.

So I start building a block. Right at the beginning, I decided to add lots of little debris inside the building to make it look like a ruin building from World War II. After painting those debris, I was very happy with the result. So I decided to build the exterior. Inside the building, the first roof would be ideal for placing some soldiers.

- I carved the windows.

- I carved the cardboard walls to make it look like brick walls.

- I destructed  some windows and cut pieces from the roof so it looks like the building was bombed

- I glued the building on a balsa wood piece.

- I added lot more debris agains the outside walls.

My job is not done yet. I still have to do these thing;

- Make sure the balsa wood base is flat on the ground (it's not).

- Correct the door entrance because I don't like the way it looks.

- Add lots of smaller rectangular debris on the top of the outside debris to make it looks like bricks.

- Add one or two layers of black primer on the outside debris.

- Paint the debris pile.

- Add some variation of colors on the walls. The varnish layer I added made all the colors blend it so I must add more brick colors.

Any tips or suggestions to help me improve this building?






