mystery plane...


Active Member
Nov 24, 2009
Does anyone know what plane this is?


I was at a local park and it was buzzing the park.

The local small plane airport was only a couple blocks away, but this guy was just circling and doing touch and go landings.
You gonna build one that's a sweet looking bird.......looks
modern and old at the same time.The canopy says "Jet" but
the front end says "old Prop job"! LOL
I don't know if I am going to build one. I have far too many models in my stash as it is.....

I just saw the USAF marking on her and knew she wasn't civilian. The way she was flying told me that it was a student pilot, but not much else. It reminded me of a Mustang, but I knew it wasn't. So ask the experts I say!
Looks similar to the Shorts Tuccano too ,only the fuselage looks a bit shorter .


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