NATO Summit Is here!

Cyber Sith

New Member
May 12, 2012
Well The NATO summit is finally getting underway. The only thing that I've found facinating
so far is seeing the F-16 and helios fly past every now and then. It's cool and scarry at the
same time. However, I live on the far North end of the city and I'm far from the action.
I don't plan on doing much driving around because of all the road closures so, it might be a
public transportation weekend for me!
the far north of what city and what country?

i'm guessing you're in europe somewhere.
IS that the G8 @ Camp David thing I keep hearing about on the radio news?
Chicago, IL, USA.

We were supposed to get both NATO and G8 but, of course, the worry was that the city would not be prepared or trained to deal with all the protesters in time for both. So the G8 was moved to Camp David.

I've wondered myself, why we are having this summit here since this is mostly a European event.
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not just european countries, Canada and the USA were amongst the 12 founding contries in 1949.

Well it's over and I still have a city. :)
The big protests were mostly peacefull w/ only a few Stunads clashing with police.

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