Negh'var, Klingon Battlecruiser (DS9, VGR, TNG) Resin kit


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
Got it on Ebay, cheap, obviously a recasting of another garage kit... But the work on it was quick and easy, even though it was, almost, my first resin kit I completed. Made it like the colorful one in VGR and DS9 without the ventral elements (didn't got it).

Enjoy !






Thanks !

Building this kind of themes in France is quite a challenge, even in resin. Most french people remembered only Star Trek TOS. They don't even see my kit like real scale modeling. 'cause it's not the "real thing" you know... :(
Sci-fi or fantasy themes are supposed to be for youngsters or geeks. That's what they think.

No matter what I still love to build this kind of model kits. Wanted a INVADERS UFO when I was 9, got a Orion Airfix space shuttle, that was the beginning of a great adventure... Still kicking, 30 years later, with "rare" Star Trek, Star Wars, and anime model kits. And damn proud of it !
Beautiful bird, YOULI, bravo! :)

And absolutely same s**t about sci-fi modeling here in Russia, so understand You very well.
On the shows sci-fi is beaten in numbers by armor and aviation categories completely, and the reaction on the sci-fi stands from the oldschool modelers is like to toys or cchildren colourations presented in Tretyakov gallery by mistake.
Thanks to the development of internet and information fast spreading + incoming of new faces into this hobby this faulty situation is changing rapidly.
I can't imagine a world without Star Trek and sci-fi in general! It's been such a positive influence on my upbringing and that of my family. Too much darkness in the world today, we need something that provides a bit of an escape and hopeful view towards the future.

Oh yes, the model! MEANEST SHIP IN TREK! Love this ship. You've nailed the colours as well.
I agree, she looks good!

And Sci Fi has some of the same stigma here in the States, not quite as much, but it is there.
Thanks guys... :D

And, yep, it's brush painted... Always start with a spray can, or a very large prime color airbrushed and THEN paint panels, details and such by hand, with an army of brushes :D
It's my "artist" bad habits, since I draw for a veryyyy long time (can't even remember not drawing at all).

And I use a very large panel of paints, acrylics, enamels, lacquer, you name it. My favortie for weathering and making small details are... Gundam markers ! And white pencils. Very helpful, a simple, white ink, pen to do all the windows on a ship. Done that on my NX-01 1/1000, took me 2 or 3 minutes to complete. :D

Will show you that later :D

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