Netflix - Tank overhaul???

Seems like the netflix user reviews are pretty horrible for this show. It does seem like it would be pretty awesome especially for the armor modeler.
There are about 2 seasons of Tank Overhaul, 4 episodes each.

First season is much better than the 2nd, as they focus more on actually tearing down and rebuilding the tanks (much like the car version of Overhauling).

The 2nd season has less of that, for example one episode was on the Elefant....I thought awesome, they are going to tear apart and overhaul an Elefant, but no, they basically power washed it and gave it a paint job.....not exactly an overhauling project. The rest of the show was based on comparing the WWII Elefant to a modern day M-109A6 Paladin. Not sure how they could compare them, since the Elefant was a Tank Destroyer, and the Paladin is a self propelled arty gun....used for 2 completely different jobs.

The rest of the season 2 episodes didn't get much better, one which I thought would be interesting was on a BMP 1, and some guy in California restoring it....the whole show was him and his partner arguing about the BMP, him and his wife arguing about where the money was going to come from to restore the BMP and what little work they actually did to it was basically sand blasting the old paint off of it.

After that, I gave up. Season 1 is much better, actual restoring of the vehicles, 2 of the episodes are from a guy on the Isle of Mann, his crew restores a Comet in one episode, and the other he had 2 Shermans, one shot in the rear, one shot in the front, so he cuts them both in half, and welds the good halves back together.

I think the biggest problem with the show, is unlike the car version of Overhauling, it takes more than a week to tear down a tank and put it back together, so likely took a long, long time to film enough footage for one episode.

So in season 2, they cut it down, and did less filming and more fluff (some of it blatantly wrong) to fill the rest of the show.
Scott, if is the case, then I can see why the viewers got angry and gave it the negative reviews. I used to subscribe to Netflix but gave it up because Id never use it enough to get my monies worth from it. So I gave that up and got Fox Soccer Plus on Directv which I know Ill get my monies worth from ha ha. Being that I'm getting into the Military aspect of modeling now, I am going to be watching a bit more of the Military channel in the upcoming days. Theres so so so much stuff to learn about the military just from reading and researching the Military for our modeling needs. I think I get as much enjoyment out of reading from researching then I will doing the actual build ha ha ha.
The panther and Sherman episodes are great, the rest as Scott says are meh. It's a annoying you don't found out how they end up though.
adampolo13 said:
I just stumbled upon Tank overhaul on Netflix... Anybody check it out?
seen the program on the tv channel yesterday it's quality the sherman and the panther are the best..
I've watched this show and I must say I'm very disappointed.
Many time approach of these people towards tanks they are restoring is that I wouldn't let them restore my bench. But giving them a tank is just stupid.
i might be the only person that enjoyed it. the panther and Sherman were the best episodes tough
i dont think they are that bad the one bloke out of the english build worked on the tiger at BOVINGTON TANK museum the only running tiger left i seen it go now that was i sight to see...
Yes, any of the 4 episodes from season 1 are definitely worth watching.

The guy from Isle of Mann has an episode on the Sherman, and one on the Comet. The Comet one is interesting as they couldn't get the gun manlet off, so he brings out his Challenger (or was it a Chieftain) ARV to give it a helping hand. As well, the Comet wasn't used much in the war, as it came in really late, only a handful saw combat, of which this one happened to be one of them. When he pulled off the side armor, he discovered that it had a field fix to one of the suspension parts. While the Comet was new, and parts were scarce, the crew had repaired it with parts from a Cromwell....some cool interesting history to be seen.

The other 2 episodes from season one, one was on the Panther, very interesting, and the other was from the Littlefield museum in California restoring a M-18 Hellcat.

First season is worth watching.....2nd season they ruined it for me (and probably many others)
That show plays on Military channel

its ok
I watched all 4 from the 1st season last night... I was a little let down but it was nice to have on while I edited photos etc.
adampolo13 said:
I watched all 4 from the 1st season last night... I was a little let down but it was nice to have on while I edited photos etc.

I thought you didn't have to edit photos when you used photo bucket ? I'm confused now ha ha. Did I still do something wrong when I posted the last pics I posted or are you editing photos for another purpose other then posting on this forum ?
adampolo13 said:
I watched all 4 from the 1st season last night... I was a little let down but it was nice to have on while I edited photos etc.

Well if you were disappointed at season 1, prepare to be completely baffled by season 2.

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