New Toy 1:1 Scale :)


Demolitions Expert
Mar 5, 2012
Traded a Remington 700 SPS Tactical .308 for this BEAST. Her name is Sandy. Nice match for my Glock Model 22
This Muzzle Break is INSANE
Hat full of spare brass
Just waiting on my ACOG scope and Surefire Torch to ship in....then she'll be ready to put Warheads on Foreheads.....and those pesky paper targets ;D
hmm is that real? if so its IMO stupid that you can buy stuff like that, that said muzzle break is neat
spud said:
hmm is that real? if so its IMO stupid that you can buy stuff like that, that said muzzle break is neat

I hope you mean stupid reason why not to be able to buy something like that. Got to be ready for the Zombie Apocalypse when it comes!

I personally have probably 18-20 firearms, ranging from a single shot 410 (and various other shotguns) to a M1 Garand, Russian SKS, KAR98, couple of .303 Enfields.

Bring on the Zombies!!!


Nice AR TBadger.....chambered for .308? Would love to have a Red Jacket Special.....lots of money though!
Elm City Hobbies said:
spud said:
hmm is that real? if so its IMO stupid that you can buy stuff like that, that said muzzle break is neat

I hope you mean stupid reason why not to be able to buy something like that. Got to be ready for the Zombie Apocalypse when it comes!

I personally have probably 18-20 firearms, ranging from a single shot 410 (and various other shotguns) to a M1 Garand, Russian SKS, KAR98, couple of .303 Enfields.

Bring on the Zombies!!!


Nice AR TBadger.....chambered for .308? Would love to have a Red Jacket Special.....lots of money though!

M1 Garand, oh me likes (I'd love to own one).
My grand love is the Thompson Sub (the originals). My uncle in P.R. owns several.
TBadger said:
then she'll be ready to put Warheads on Foreheads.....and those pesky paper targets ;D

How many paper targets will it go through? ;) As far as guns go, I have a shotgun license and a 20 bor shotgun (was bought for me when I was 14). Havnt been shooting for ages, would like to get back into the hobby though. Oh and a replica stormtrooper blaster lol!
I keep forgetting that gun laws are rather stringent elsewhere :) Yes, it's real. Chambered in a 5.56 NATO, its only a semi automatic but has the full auto markings on the reciever.

Dont care for weapons Spud ??
Custom Builds are the way to go btw, you can set up pretty much anything you want as long as you're ok with fllowing some instructions and putting it together yourself. Saves a ton of money. Red Jacket Firearms mainly only does large orders and custom builds. So you ahve the extra labor cost and registration with the BATF.
Weapons are cool to look at but being able to buy them so easy is crazy.

And no Scott I don't mean good.

But this is my opinion.
I'm with Spud on this one. I don't mean to be a downer to your new toy Badger. I'm sure it is fun and alot of people here will be impressed. Do you work for the postal service by chance? ;D

I live in Canada, like to think I don't need weapons. yikes...

I know, most of you guys will say it is a hobby. But if you can get a gun like that fairly easy for entertainment, I'm sure a gun like that on the black market is quite accessible.
I am in Canada as well....

Weapons = Good

I haven't done it in awhile, but want to get back out into competitive shooting. Only problem with the AR, and AK types is that they are a restricted weapon here in Canada, doesn't mean you can't have them, just makes it a little harder to get, few more hoops to jump through, and more paperwork involved.

Funny though, the SKS isn't restricted (but you can only legally have a 5rd mag in it, same with the ARs and AKs), and the M1 Garand is Grandfathered, as it can't operate without a full 8 round clip. My only problem with my Garand, is that the person who had it before my father, installed a fibreglass stock on it, so definitely not original equip., I assume to lighten the overall weight of it. Thankfully, replacement wooden stocks can be had for it fairly reasonable. Would like to get a M14 as well....but back to the dreaded 5rnd max in the mag.

Garand is great for competitive shooting as it gives you a bit of an edge with 8rnds, where as the guys with the ARs and AKs can only have 5.

Spud....its not "that" easy to buy a gun. First you have to have a PAL license (possession and acquisition license), which when you apply for it, they do a criminal background check on you, as well you have to have taken a course on safe gunhandling, as well it being a photo ID that has to be updated every 4-5 yrs. That will give you the ability to buy normal shotguns and rifles, if you want something like TBadger bought, you then have to get the Restricted Weapons permit , which requires another gun handling course to take, another criminal check and you then need a separate transportation permit for each restricted weapon, which is then criminally checked again by the local police that issue it.

So you can't just walk into a store and then walk back out with a gun....doesn't work that way.
Well, mine is a hobby and for home defense. I have a concealed carry permit too. Unfortunately criminals give weapons a bad name, but living in a world where no matter how many gun restrictions there are, it does not eliminate gun crimes, they do however hinder law abiding citizens from being able to defend home and person. I'm active duty military, so I'm well trained in the use of deadly force. I can see reservations when it comes to any guy buying a gun, but there are restrictions in place. Fingerprinting and background checks are required for handgun purchases and for automatic they can track you down. Plus every gun manufactured is entered into a database so its easy to trace via firing pins , rifling and serials. As the saying goes, it's better to have it and never need it than need it and not have it. I'd much rather the criminal entering my home to steal/rape/murder and what have you to be stopped with a gun than I myself being shot or beaten or robbed because I didn't give myself the chance to defend myself and loved ones. Again, just my opinion.
TBadger said:
Well, mine is a hobby and for home defense. I have a concealed carry permit too. Unfortunately criminals give weapons a bad name, but living in a world hat no matter how many gun restrictions does not eliminate gun crimes, they do hinder law abiding citizens from being able to defend home and person. I'm active duty military, so I'm well trained in the use of deadly force. I can see reservations when it comes to any guy buying a gun, but there are restrictions in place. Fingerprinting and background checks are required for handgun purchases and for automatic they can track you down. Plus every gun manufactured is entered into a database so its easy to trace via firing pins , rifling and serials. As the saying goes, it's better to have it and never need it than need it and not have it. I'd much rather the criminal entering my home to steal/rape/murder and what have you to be stopped with a gun than I myself being shot or beaten or robbed because I didn't give myself the chance to defend myself and loved ones. Again, just my opinion.

AMEN Brother!
For some reason I thought it would be easier to buy a gun in the US. I mean it probably is isn't it?

I hear what you are saying TBadger. I'm glad I don't live in a place I have to worry about such things. This topic is always so out there for me. Not of my world. You are not allowed to carry a gun around here. And I really like that. ;D
That's typically a great way to live. It just takes one psychopath like the dude in Norway who killed 77 people to shatter the complacent nature of a society. It's actually pretty difficult to have a gun here in the USA. If even one thing is amiss on an application, you're barred from buying that gun and more than likely the ATF will come confiscate all the currently owned ones if that discrepancy is severe enough.

Plus, is there not a population of large bears roaming around up there?!? I fear bears more than a renegade youth :)
That seems to be the problem with society, the criminals ruin it for the law abiding people.

Case in point, the guy in granted, he is a nut job factor 10, but because of what he did, I would be surprised if the gun laws in Norway aren't changed.

As well...the shooting in Montreal at the Women's University many years ago, is why we have laws in Canada prohibiting the use of magazines for rifles that exceed 5 rounds (some exceptions to that like the Garand), and Pistols to 10 rounds, not to mention the long gun registry.

All of those were implemented to combat criminals, problem is, it does nothing to deter criminals, and only hurts the normal law abiding citizen, and in effect turning them into a criminal for no reason.

Criminals are out to break the law, and if they are using a gun to do that, they aren't going to pause and ask themselves if the gun they are using is "legal" or if the capacity of the magazine in their gun is "legal", and that is the problem not only in Canada and the US, but around the world. You can create any gun law you want, a criminal using a gun in crime isn't going to care.

I use my guns for Home Defense, recreational shooting and hunting.
Yup, but if you look around the world, the less guns in a population, the less gun violence. Look at Japan and England compared to the states. This is just a fact apparently.

Guns do kill, if we all had guns, alot more of us would get shot. You can't do much about a few crazies. Imagine how many more deaths there would be if you were actually allowed to drink and drive.

I'm just saying. ;) ;D
No, actually guns don't kill people.....people kill people.

A gun is a completely safe, in-animate object (even when loaded) until some crazy puts it in their hands.

If I could carry a sidearm, even in Eastern Canada where violent crime is relatively low....believe me I would.

People think twice about screwing with someone if they know their are carrying.
I can see noname's point..... guns create some paranoia in public, but I'd still err on the side of caution and state that even those cultures with the lack of guns still have their own fair share of problems. You also need to factor in population, moral values, crime rates in ALL forms, and laws punishing such misbehavior. It's kinda like comparing Heroin use and overdose in the Afghani/Eastern Europe scene to those cases reported in the USA. Merely a differentiation of culture and the amount of control the citizens allow themselves to be subject to.

Guns dont kill or harm by themselves, those uneducated in the use and ownership / people with malice in their hearts DO
No, actually bullets kill people. ;D

I hear what you are saying Scott, but it is not a strong argument. The more guns, the more gun violence. It is common sense. That is not to say that if there were suddenly thousands of guns put in people's hands, that they would suddenly go crazy. But you know how fallible people are. One thing leads to another. For example, "a guy broke into my house and I just assumed he had a gun so I shot him", or "that guy threatened to kill me so I wasn't taking any chances". Accidents happen. Not everyone is crazy, but lets face it, alot of people are irresponsible and will do things they normally wouldn't do if put in a particular situation.

I'm surprised you would want to carry a gun, your a big fella. What the heck are you guys doing up there in N.B.?lol Most of the serious crimes that go on in the maritimes have to do with the drug business. I'm not into that so I'm not worried about it. I assume your not selling crack?lol

Oh, just saw your post TBadger. Ya, it's something like what you said in your first paragraph. Statistics show more guns , more gun violence. I appreciate your being civil. I've had this discussion with others before and they get super deffensive about their right to carry guns. I'm just saying that I'm very happy my neighbours aren't carrying guns. ;D Here in Canada, gun violence outside of the big cities is very rare. And when they do happen in the city, it is more often than not due to organised crime. Or unorganised crime?? ::) I think this is in part due to the laws as well as an attitude in our culture.

Spud, you have nothing else to say?
If guns (or bullets) kill people, then I guess pencils make spelling mistakes, guitars play sour notes, hammers drive bent nails and glue leaves finger prints on models.

My grandfather was a gunsmith, I was given my first BB gun at five, my .22 at seven and went pheasant hunting with my 20 gauge split action, single round shotgun at twelve. I spent the rest of my life hunting birds, rabbits, deer and saw and learned a lot about the outdoors, respect for the animals we hunted and their environment.

Alcohol and smoking is far more deadly and claims way more lives each year. Thank God I grew up where I did, I wouldn't change a thing.l

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