Octopus scale modelling


Oct 5, 2022
Hi everyone. Have been looking at Octopus scale modelling on YouTube and must admit I think it's very talented work. My question is what type of soil is used?. I get he also uses AK mud effect but I like using natural products for my Diorama's and just wondering if anyone knows. Regards Trevor
Howdy, Trev.

In this particular vid it looks like plain old yard dirt with small rocks mixed in. I do the same, but use Spackle dry mix with Elmer's Wood Glue mixed in for strong adhesion. I personally think using the commercial dirt is a waste of $$, because he covered it up completely, none visible at the end. If using it for a base only, that's expensive. I do like how he's using mesh drywall tape, good idea and I'll remember to use that in the future. Using crushed clay cat litter is another good idea as well. Just add sand and small rocks to the landscape.

IMHO, most of the commercial ground work material takes a back seat to any natural material I have right outside in my garden, much cheaper, too. I hope that helps.

Cheers, Ski.
Hi Ski sorry for not replying sooner just been so busy, retirement isn't all putting your feet up HaHa. Seriously though thanks for your advice and help. Much appreciated. I will try and dig out one of my Diorama and if I can figure out the technology will try posting a pic. Cheers Trev

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