paint storage


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
hi everyone i'm starting to get a bit of a collection of paint glue's and other bit's now and want to build a storage system for them .
i like the look of some of the shelf type some of you have and could probably get a descent size one in on the wall next to my bench.
the space i've got to work in is 1165mm by 800mm.
just wondered if anyone has any pic's or site's i can can have a gander at to give me some idea's.
i only want to build one and not do one then twelve month's down the line change it or adapt it. i'd like to get it all finito if you no what i mean.
just about got time for modelling let alone f***king about with shelves. ;D
well what i done with mine was mesured the bottles and made it so i can get a full run of them on a shelf in the lenght i want it. end of the day its down to personal prefrence, if you do find one you will most likly change somthing about it to suit your needs
cheer's spud's not just the paint i have fiber optic spool's and wanna hang some of my tool's up aswell i'm realy just looking for as many idea's as i can get then sort of mangle them into one storage unit
ahh wll for the spool you could get some of that half inch dowl rod and fix it to your unit good play to put any spools then :)
I build one with just some Hobbyshop materials.... neede about one hour



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