Badger makes a nice line of compressors, some like the Paasche compressors and Grendels will probably recommend the Iwata compressors as he just got a new one of those. There are a few reviews of compressors on the reviews page. I myself have a Craftsman 1 1/2 compressor with a tank. Its a regular compressor with the regulator and moisture trap on it. Its loud being a regular compressor but if your looking for something more quiet then you may want to look into the Badgers, Paasches or Iwatas line. I always say compressors are compressors, its just a matter of what your looking to obtain. Harbor Freight always has a 1/5 compressor on sale for like $60. Reviews are mixed, some like it, some don't. I'm sure someone else will have a bit of better information for ya but that's what I have to offer you. Let us know what you end up purchasing.