Well I appreciate your concern but having all the supplies already other then the power resistor I figured why not. It has the 3.3 and 5 Volts rails which I could use for alot of other stuff besides the main reason I want it, not to mention will work to charge my nephews RC chargers, daughters Ipod, Ipad, etc.
In regards to hooking it up, I figure if I can move my washer and dryer from down in the basement, upstairs to the laundry room we built, hooking that all up working with 220 and not get shocked, I should be able to accomplish this smaller task. In regards to the plug and play AC transformer. I wish I could do that but I feel Im already too far into this to not stick with my original plans were.
Im pissed I didnt look into the Bilge Blower Motor more before I purchased that and just got a Dayton Squirell Cage or equivalent. The caps in my ATX PS arnt charged. I think Im going to give it a shot. If this fails or doesnt work right, then Ill save my pennies and buy the AC Transformer I need to plug and play. Hoping I can the ATX to work as it will be beneficial more ways then one.