Pylons for the F-18E 1/48 Revell


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
Good day. Don't know where this post would be appropriate , because I write here (sorry in advance if I am wrong).
There is a F-18E 1/48 Revell with декалью VFA-122 (as I understood it training unit), in this set are given only a pair of AIM-120 and a pair of AIM-9, colleagues gave a couple of AGM-84E, AIM-7.
Question: where to buy or how to make the holders of the pylons for the last two types of missiles?
Thank you in advance for удиленное attention. Yours faithfully, Vladimir.
Whether the kit comes with the extra missiles or not, I would think it would come with the pylons. Very rarely would you see an aircraft with the pylons removed even if there are no weapons on them, other than say the Blue Angels, or Thunderbirds aircraft.

The only thing special you might need is if a particular missile needs a specific rail attached. Hasegawa make various weapon sets that usually have all of that stuff.
by the look of the pictures below the Harpoon attaches to the pylon without any special rail so you should be able to attach it straight to the normal kit pylons (the missile itself seems to have a slightly raised mating surface between the main guidance fins)

By the look of this review the pylons are on the sprues in the 3rd picture up from the bottom

For the AIM-7 i'd just put them on the cheek stations/bottom of the intakes. This picture seems to show every option for AIM-7's but the 2 in the middle near the main wheel bays would be easy to mount.
For the AIM-7 i'd just put them on the cheek stations/bottom of the intakes. This picture seems to show every option for AIM-7's but the 2 in the middle near the main wheel bays would be easy to mount.

Those aren't Aim-7 Sparrows, they are actually Aim-120 AMRAAMs

Just a note on your weapons though.

Chances are you would never see them carry both an Aim-7 Sparrow and an Aim-120 AMRAAM together on the same aircraft.

They both do the same job, and the AMRAMM is a more advanced missile. Would be redundant to carry both on the same aircraft.
Thanks Elm, dead right. That's what I get for trying to google stuff while pretending to be gainfully employed ;)
Looks like the AIM-7 is carried on pylons 2 & 7 (1 & 11 being the wingtip launchers) on the superhornet.
The AIM-7 needs a LAU-115 launcher, Wolfpak make them, not sure who else.

Or you could try to scratch them. Maybe from the launcher that the kit includes for the AIM-120? Here's a couple of pics

Good luck malish85 and post pics :)

Also, out of interest, the F-15 did carry a mix of AIM-7's and -120's in combat for a number of reasons by the look of things.
Maybe the Hornet, in one of its many variations has too. Could be an interesting loadout...
Good evening. Thank you for your attention to my problem. If I understand correctly, the AIM-7 is not used in conjunction with AIM-120, right?
With the holders of the missiles has become more clear. In principle, I can do it by myself or find in Ukraine kit Wolfpack. A photo of my models are available, if you want I can put what I got. With respect Volodya.
Highly unlikely to see the -7 & the -120 together on a Superhornet by the look of things.
But never say never...
Not sure if this is real or not but it may be a valid air-show load at least:

For what it's worth I'd highly recommend bnamodelworld for stuff. Their service, price etc. has been top notch everyt time i've bought from them. I'm pretty sure they would ship international but no idea what the cost would be for your area.

I'd love to see your photo's! I've got a -F Superhornet in the stash to build at some stage so any inspiration is good :)
Good day. Posted photos of "the hornet" in which he's at my condition. This is my first model, which is built on the forum, because it is a lot of wrong and error. PE used Eduard (just in case, do not believe that there is written for Revell - this is a set for Hasegawa under another name, and have already checked out, Yes and technical support of Edward "modestly" is silent on the questions already 4 months). Expect chair of Аирес (native spoiled), well and missiles - which in principle and started this topic.

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Good afternoon, friends. A question - maybe anyone have a photo of the cockpit of the F-18E, namely the side panels and the visor, where is the indicator of the windshield? Many thanks in advance!

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