Recycling models and making room for new builds


Black Sheep 1

The issue of space to display models came up on another conversation regarding the availability of space to display one's builds.

Lets face it, unless you live in a place big enough to house a B-52, the space available to display one's builds is at a premium.

So what do you do when you run out of room to display your models but you still have some kits in your stash that you're just itching to build?
How do you recycle your models?
Haven't really crossed this bridge yet. But I seriously need to start thinking about it.
I simply recycle mine ;D

No, but honestly, I can't even imagine running out of space..., I'm surprised anyone can even build that much models! Heck, I can't get through 2 in a year ;D

I rarely hear of paper modelers running out of space - either due to stash or due to physical display areas. Heck, one of the advantages are that in the case one runs out of space, one simply scales said model - hypothetical example: 1/33 Corsair to say... 1/200 Corsair! Or 1/1000 ish for kicks ;D

Now what I want to see is a picture of said possibility! Do have any examples BS1? I'm definitely interested in seeing such a collection so massive.
I was on this point, so I add a few more shelfes to my rack. This means more space for display ;D

Seriously, I though about it. If the time comes, I decidet to give them away. Some friends asked me for :)
Especially the three 1/96 scale USS Constitution Models. I cant keep them, if they built. They are a hell of an model in size and hight

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