Removing decals


Active Member
May 2, 2011
Specifically doing this on top of a Future gloss coat surface with the decals not sealed in yet. I was wondering since Windex is great at cleaning up cured Future would I do the same for the Future under the decal therefore lifting it? Would Windex effect an Acrylic or Lacquer based finish?
Windex, will remove future just fine, and I bet it will remove an acrylic as well. But I have not tried to remove acrylics with windex. Just a guess that it will.

I have removed future with windex, but ammonia works better.
If you have any Micro Sol ,that will soften the decal and let you remove it without harming any paint ;)

What Chris said. If you start with the solvents you are not really going to free the decal, rather you are going to melt the future which may by proxy get the decal off but quite possibly leave you with a mess if you overdo it.

Conversely, MircoSol cant hurt and may soften the decal enough to get it off, though I can say from experience that decals applied with MicroSol and left to dry can be very stubborn to get off, even though they may not be sealed with anything. Just depends of the quality of decal itself, how it was applied, and to what substrate.

I would try the MicroSol which will probably get most of it off leaving a few flakes which I would then carefully go at with some 1500 grit. Worst case you have to re-varnish the area to get rid of any scuff marks.
Yikes, the decal must not have had any adhesive to speak of if it came of with tape. :) Was it a dry transfer by any chance?

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