Research Procedures?


"220 221 Whatever it takes" - Mr. Mom , M. Keaton
Dec 27, 2012
Hi all, I am curious to find out the process for those that do historically correct scale models. What I am after is how to you go through the process of researching a particular set of armor/plane/figure etc..? Do you start with the simple interweb searches and maybe a library visit? How do you determine which books if any to purchase from the internet? Any insight into how you go through this process would be very helpful. My hope is that after i complete a couple of ramp up kits to get back into the swing I would like to do a 1/35 Jagdtiger, historically correct to story of the 2 Jagd's that ambushed 18 shermans on their way to the battle of the bulge.

Thanks for any advice and insight from those of you that have done this before!
Ohh i Like the sound of that.

Im not one of being historically correct because sometimes it can get in the way and if you don't have the skills for it it will ruin the fun Factor of it,

But i Do look around for Pics on the Web for tanks im interested in, Then there is Plenty of books to get on each tank like Panters Tigers and so on.

a good set of books is

hope this is of some use to you, Others will Chime in im sure
I hear ya Spud. I don't think I am going to go too "overboard" trying to get everything accurate, however the process and the learning possibilities interest me tremendously. I REALLY like the link you sent me, this is one that I have not found yet. I do believe I am going to check out the product by ordering book one.

Thanks for the tip!
Being a science teacher and former field biologist, I've always enjoyed doing research. I usually look through my books and the web....I always try to get multiple sources online so I can be sure of accuracy...usually it's to find a scheme to paint, etc.

Posting here and other modeling sites also helps since we all have such diverse backgrounds and experiences.....
For me, it starts with an interest in a subject, that is, I've probably picked a kit because I already know something about it, have already read something. Having said that, in this age of information, the first place I start if I'm looking for something is Google. I also check both Squadron's own site and on eBay, for Squadron books, especially on aircraft. Osprey Publishing is a good source of detail books on military subjects from a wide range of periods. Many hobby shops will carry a selection of Squadron and Osprey numbers.

Also look for specialty forums, and put your questions out in forums such as ours, because chances are that someone has researched the subject you've selected. That's one reason I go to Hyperscale's Plane Talking forum, there's a lot of info floating around there, especially photographic reference. For armor, I might try Armorama and see what's there.

For your specific subject, I suspect that there's already a lot of info out there on the forums. The Battle of the Bulge is very popular, as is the broader subject of WWII, and there is a strong and devoted community for German armor. I'd try Googling the unit ID and see what you find.

And I'm with Jeeves, I like doing the research on subjects that I build or paint, it's fun for me to learn what I can, and to be able to recapitulate it at will. Go to a modeling show and hang out with a bunch of guys and see where the discussions go, especially in a hospitality suite or in a bar.

Hope that helps!
the Baron said:
and to be able to recapitulate it at will.

Hope that helps!

LOL... Yes thank the gods for Google.. I had to look up "recapitulate" ... Hahah.. Thanks all for your help.

On i side note i have found an LHS that sells Vallejo paints and am shortly leaving to go spend a few bucks stocking up! With the addition of paints I now have most of what i need to complete my first return build.
Research begins with an idea or concept for me. For example I like ground attack aircraft. While looking around the web for info on the A-1 Skyraider I came across a guy that flew them in Viet Nam. He's written a book even. So I sent him an email and now we're corresponding and he's helping with info for a build now. He flew a SAR mission carrying a unique weapons the build is of that particular plane, on that day carrying that load research can take you to interesting places sometimes!! BTW that build is in the aircraft forum....good luck with your project, I'll be looking for it!

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