Retired and looking for another hobby.


New Member
Mar 28, 2021
Recently retired and spend most of my time hunting and fishing. Did models as a kid but would like to get back into it for those days when the weather isn't cooperating. Looking for tips on a good place to start for supplies and models (mostly military) and any advice on which products to use (glue, paints or other stuff). Thanks
First, welcome to the hobby and you are making a great choice.
I use Hobbylinc out of Georgia to order from which has the best prices I've found and are always dependable, and occasionally I use Spruebrothers which ships quite fast.
I use a lot of Tamiya products myself to include
Paints what ever kind you choose to use. I use Tamiya Acrylics for spraying, getting ready to get a different brand for brushing since I'm slowly starting to get into armor and figure painting for dioramas.
Extra thin cement green lid
Regular cement orange lid
Masking tape
Paint brushes
cutting tools like nippers
Sanding supplies
Etc. etc. etc. the etc's are like the energizer bunny, they just keep going and going.

Air Brush and compressor ( not required but sure does make one heck of a difference) If you go AirBrush just don't start a thread asking what to buy. Too many answers flow your way and there are already plenty of threads to read on that.
paint booth (for Airbrush and you can build your own, you don't have to buy one)

Most important of all decide what you are going to build and by one or two kits. Tamiya kits are the most trouble free kits and they have some inexpensive older kits that are good to start back up with. That is if you are doing Armor or Aircraft.

OR do like I did, I just went out and bought the things that I remembered from my youth and built the beginning models the way I used to. Then I started adding supplies to use other techniques. It really all depends on how you want to go and how much you want to spend right off the bat.

Unless you have lot's of space to waste and money to spend, avoid the desire to become a kit collector. The urge is strong and it's a daily struggle because there are kits that in your mind you will think, I just have to have that kit. A few years later it's still collecting dust in a box and taking up needed space along with all the other I just have to haves.
Yeah welcome back, Matt.
Jim has you headed in the right direction.
Hobbylinc has the best Tamiya pricing anywhere.
I haven't found any cheaper price for their paints.
One hang up with them, is they are usually a
week or more sending out an order. If you can
wait, they're your source.
Recently retired and spend most of my time hunting and fishing. Did models as a kid but would like to get back into it for those days when the weather isn't cooperating. Looking for tips on a good place to start for supplies and models (mostly military) and any advice on which products to use (glue, paints or other stuff). Thanks
Welcome to the forums and welcome back to the hobby, I'm sure the members here that are into the genre will point you towards the proper channels to acquiring kits, tools and paints to get you back into the hobby, as you've probably noticed the many tools and modelling resources have changed since you last built a kit.

Enjoy and have fun.
Yes Sir, welcome 'back' into the hobby - You'll quickly discover lots of good information herein and alot of folks, whom will readily assist and/or answer queries.
You sound abit like myself - Retired [going on 11 yrs, now] and got back into this hobby following a hiatus; Use to do alot of 'outdoor' stuff, but must admit have slowed down some, over the years. I still find 'building models' therapeutic and relaxing and now share it with Grandkids. I don't think I'll ever 'retire' from throwing-glue-and-paint when it comes to models/figures... And the 'researching a subject' is still one of the best things I've found within this hobby.
Again, welcome back - It's fun!
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Recently retired and spend most of my time hunting and fishing. Did models as a kid but would like to get back into it for those days when the weather isn't cooperating. Looking for tips on a good place to start for supplies and models (mostly military) and any advice on which products to use (glue, paints or other stuff). Thanks
Welcome! I am fairly new myself. I have found a lot help in forums like this and also on you tube. I do not have a ton of advanced equipment. I am using brush paints, Vallejo acrylics, with Tamiya thinners and coatings. Here are a couple basics videos. I recommend starting with inexpensive kits and mid priced tools an materials. I found a lot of advice overwhelming at the beginning.

Welcome! and glad youve decided to dip your toes back in the water. these are my thoughts on starting out/getting back into the hobby, might help a bit :)


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