Revell 1/48 F-86F


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
I figured while I am working on the F-4 I would also knock out one of my simpler kits. I picked this one because in all my years I have never built one. And there is not a lot to it...



As you can see, not a lot of parts. The F-86 was a simple plane. As such, the cockpit wasnt much, and in this kit, it is REALLY simple. Being a totally OOB build, it will remain such...



This promises to be a qucik build.
Thank you ulvdemon. :)

quaralane, yes it can indeed. :)

So knocked out a good bit today. Got the fuselage halves together and wings on. Fit was not horrid, but not great...




After some perfect plastic putty, a coat of Mr Surfacer 1500, touch up the seams some more and a nother quick spritz of primer...




I was tempted to spray some silver, but i havent decided yet if I want to do the air brakes closed or open. Plus I do need to put the nose on.
OK, major mistake on my part. I sprayed the metalizer far too soon. I should have gotten all the body parts on first. The machine gun bay cover fit like utter *%&^*%. And the front wheel well wasnt all that either. I said screw it, did what I could and it will just have to look like crap. This was SUPPOSED to be the relief build from the F4 damn it. LOL And we wont get into the weak ass landing gears. SMH.

I did have a great idea though. The intake on this model is not open. Instead of trying to cut it out, sand it down etc etc, I made a handle out of wire, glued it on and whamo! FOD cover. ;D








Re: Revell 1/48 F-86F (Fini!)

Alrighty. All done with this one. I would be really happy with it if not for the machine gun bay door. It looks like total crap. Aside from that, I liked how the decals went on. The yellow in the fuselage wrap could be more opaque though. Does not stand up to the yellow I sprayed on the wing stripes. Which I had to rescue from a peeling incident:


While doing research for this model, I came across pics of a plane called The Huff. I rather liked it. After further research, I found that Academy did a kit of this plane. I ordered it. ;D I will take the lessons learned from this kit and apply them. I am also hoping that a recent Academy kit is going to be a bit better than a 70s Revell kit. Not that this one was horrid.

And as I was loading the pics I realized I had not painted the nav lights. I will be doing that later. LOL





Doesn't look too bad matey!

I like the metallic paint there. Love to know what it is you've used.
I've built the Academy F-86.... twice! :) You will enjoy it, but not the decals. Save yourself the headache, just get an aftermarket decal set. Everything else came together on it with no problems.
Mikey, a picture is worth a thousand words...

ulvdemon, were these the decals for "The Huff"? The green dragon and what not?

And thank you for the compliments guys. :D
haha!! They do indeed!

Thanks for the tip there with the dremmel buff and the lacquer.

May use this technique as a base layer for the A6M Zero I'm buildings at the mo.
Re: Revell 1/48 F-86F (second place winner!)

Well, as much as I didnt like the faults it had, it seems I did a decent job anyway. I got second place at the monthly IPMS meeting here in Northern VA. ;D


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