Welcome to the Schwalbe WIP ev'ryone... For Im mainly a SciFi and Fantasy modeller, I only model planes if theyre too cool to ignore. The "Swallow" is definetely this category.
Just do it! It doesnt cost very much and shes correct. Okay, a friend just told me, if you want to count rivets, the angle of the engines is slightly wrong. Pfff. They fit in, theres absolutely no gaps here - just like it should! Oh, forgot to mention that: Shes gonna be a Soviet Schwalbe (more infos in the article below).
Theres some rework to do, mainly Mr.Surfacer and stuff. As always, it will get a little bit of extra beneath the plane. I found some nice figures from Juweela and Preiser that should fit here.
A propos surrounding: I heard that there are some hexagonal concrete plates on the market. Printed or plastic, I dont care. Looks like that:
I built the same kit a couple of years ago. Builds up into a very nice 262 for 1:72 scale - the only problem I had with the kit was my canopy fit to the fuselage was terrible. I ended up replacing it with a vac-formed after market canopy.
I got it from Squadron online. I think it was one of their house brands. If you're interested I've included a link to my build thread on the SMA forum.
Luv that kit..Nice work so far..My last one the canopy was broken during shipping and like Jmac, I went thru Squadron, it was a vac-u-formed canopy that was much closer to scale thickness....
The first figure is complete - the officer. Hes supposed to check a to-do-list or something. He got additional epauletes, a cap badge, his collar was changed too to adopt the "Red Army look". He was painted with a mixture of Humbrol (72), Revell (86), Testors "Earth" for the skin tones and black. Details: Vallejo Gold and Dark Red (?) - No. 1084.
An additional daylight picture of the figure - I guess you can se him better now:
More putty for the belly:
...and some cables for the IP. Thanks again Jamme for the hint!
In the YT-video from above you get a good idea of the mechanic overall...
...and theres an additional detail on the right side of the cockpit thats missing in the Revell kit. No clue what this is, maybe a jabber box or something. Ideas, anyone?