Revell Resistance X-wing "Blue Three"


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
After building the Poe Dameron Resistance X-wing, the smaller "Build N Play" Resistance X-wing has been bugging me to be dealt with.
So, to deal with that, I built up the more acccurate skill level 2 version of the kit

I won't go into much detail on the actual sprues and build this time because the parts layout is identical to the Poe Dameron version, as is the build process.

Now, the first thing I did was take the pilot out of the BnP version for use with this one.
The BB-8 droid for this one got a coat of transparent red that was mostly wiped off. This was done to set this droid apart from BB
The other mod I made on this version was opening up the proton torpedo tubes in the fuselage with my Dremel.
These were backed with balsa to keep from being able to see through the ship, then painted in with black.
Like on Poe's ship, I painted the insides of the intakes with a light grey.
The completed ship was given a black wash with the excess wiped off.
I drubrushed some further weathering using Vallejo smoke over various parts of the ship, including the proton tubes

Finished build pics





Shown with the Build N Play version

On display with its "sister" ships


Youtube link:
Thanks, Jake.
It's actually a decent kit. Which surprises me a little
Biggest flaws are the lack of proper detail for the engines on the wing undersides and the lack of a pilot figure
Nice job on this one Q. I like your torpedo tube mods. The final heritage shots look great.
Thanks for sharing, I didn't realize the skill level 2 kit was about the same size as the build and play.
It's slightly larger, and MUCH better proportioned, John.
They're not Bandai, but they're pretty good, actually
Looks great. I am going to show how much I have not been paying attention, put how large is this X-Wing?
If this is the same kit I have then it is 10" long and listed as 1:50 scale but is actually 1:49th. Close enough to 1:48 to use that scale for figures.

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