Saying goodbye!


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
It's almost Fall..... The big SMA Group builds are only a few weeks away!

Only a few more days and my little buddies will be flying away! To the delight of the College Grounds keepers! They hate my gutts.... LOL

Over the summer I made lots of new friends... Since they come every year.... Near my office I took advantage of every occasions they stopped by to visit... Or was it my Corn? Anyway!

The Students here at RMC College call me the Geese whisperer ! LOL

I am obviously not a hunter! Right?


Now what's out there this winter? Hum mm!

How will you welcome FALL? In your area?
HAHA, Goose Whisperer!

I am welcoming fall in New Brunswick.................

By going to Banff, AB! LOL

Wife got tapped for a surprise conference in Banff, all expenses paid for her, 2 nights at the Fairmont Banff Springs (you know the big ass hotel on the post cards from Banff....yeah that one). And we are staying for a couple of extra nights (not in that hotel, base room starts at $350/night, the suite they have her booked into is $650/night). So, since I have a crap load of points on my CC, airfare, rental car and the nights in the other hotel are covered. Neither of us have been there before, so should be fun.

Already tracking down things to do while she is at the conference. Sadly no hobby shops close by unless I want to make the 2hr trek back to Calgary (haven't ruled it out though). Found a local microbrewery and the local post office, so I am going to chance mailing beer back through the mail...will see if they survive!! LOL
Hey Scott, Send me a PM if you are are going to be in or around Edmonton.
I am so welcoming fall. We still have daily temps in the upper 90's here in south Texas. I would love some cooler weather so that I don't sweat just walking to get my mail.

Nice Goose whisperer.....Wonderful photo!
Those are truly living treasures, beautiful creatures.

Keep taking care of them, keep enjoying their presence, life is extremely volatile and precious…

I´m not a hunter too… in this time of my life I´m unable to kill anything alive… my wife either laughs or looks strangely at me when she sees me throwing out home a diminutive spider or bug, instead of using the home insecticide… or taking out of water a little insect… throw a fly out of home through the door / window (unfortunately for the mosquitoes, I don´t feel so tolerant with them ;) )

… sometimes I think that I shouldn´t eat either meat or fish, but I know that it´s a bit extreme… so I keep rationally eating meat and fish, and take out of my mind these thinkings… I´m not going to change anything…

I think that you´re lucky to be able to enjoy always / periodically the presence of your feathered companions, they are a joy to see… life is too precious… we only have one…they are nature treauses, a gift… I love fauna & nature…

Jelly said:
Those are truly living treasures, beautiful creatures.

Keep taking care of them, keep enjoying their presence, life is extremely volatile and precious…

I´m not a hunter too… in this time of my life I´m unable to kill anything alive… my wife either laughs or looks strangely at me when she sees me throwing out home a diminutive spider or bug, instead of using the home insecticide… or taking out of water a little insect… throw a fly out of home through the door / window (unfortunately for the mosquitoes, I don´t feel so tolerant with them ;) )

… sometimes I think that I shouldn´t eat either meat or fish, but I know that it´s a bit extreme… so I keep rationally eating meat and fish, and take out of my mind these thinkings… I´m not going to change anything…

I think that you´re lucky to be able to enjoy always / periodically the presence of your feathered companions, they are a joy to see… life is too precious… we only have one…they are nature treauses, a gift… I love fauna & nature…


Well said!
When I saw this I got bit frightened that you’re leaving the forums or something like that.
I was relived when I saw that it was about something ells.
Well at my place it's hard to say good bye to summer and hello to fall as this summer had fall weather most of the time.
Great shot Norm!! Thanks for sharing that too!! Fall?.....................Apple picking with my girls and then all the PIES the Mrs. can make!!!!!!

Peace Brotha',,
T ;)
I love the fall, favorite time of year....and not just because I hunt a little. Well, more like sitting in the woods or the edge of a field looking at the woods or a field. We go apple picking, take rides on the ATV a little more often, shoot stuff.

Just the other night my wife and I, her sister and husband took a ride in his Jeep way back into the woods and called Moose. Nothing came out but we do that this time of year. For no other reason than to see a big bull. They do come to the call this time of year.
JMac said:
Hey Scott, Send me a PM if you are are going to be in or around Edmonton.

Unfortunately won't be in or near Edmonton. Although the woman that set up my wife's tickets had her going there at one point to get to Banff.
Scott Girvan said:
I love the fall, favorite time of year....and not just because I hunt a little. Well, more like sitting in the woods or the edge of a field looking at the woods or a field. We go apple picking, take rides on the ATV a little more often, shoot stuff.

Just the other night my wife and I, her sister and husband took a ride in his Jeep way back into the woods and called Moose. Nothing came out but we do that this time of year. For no other reason than to see a big bull. They do come to the call this time of year.

Careful doing that this are as likely to get a hunter to come out to those moose calls as you will an actual moose. Moose season starts Thursday!

I won't pull any punches....I do hunt (although not for quite sometime), but I also respect the animals, and only hunt what I am going to eat.
dude thats so awesome, those birds must really love you... if they let you pet them, or you must feed them well... we have Gees here at MCTI but they are so wild they wont let you get within 25 yards of them without freaking out.
Those geese must be your buddies if they let you pet them. Hopefully they will remain cautious to other humans. Sad to see the nice weather go but I'm all for Fall. The leaves have just started turning, it's cooling off and all but a few mosquitos are gone.

Jelly, not eating meat isn't extreme at all. If you want to eat meat just make sure it comes from a farm where they have a chance to live a good life and are killed humanely (sounds wierd doesn't it). Stay away from factory farms. There is not anything nice about factory farms. If you are not sure by what I mean by factory farms there are a couple films that may help, "Earthlings" and "Food Inc.". I warn you, it ain't pretty. Alot of people these days that don't want to stop eating meat completely just eat less of it.

Sorry if this is off topic but it is important if ya give a darn about the non human creatures.
I'm welcoming fall/autumn by ordering a new orange wooly SMA hat from Scott!! ;D

Jelly, I'm the same way. My mum bought me something called a Betta Bug Katcha. It's great for capturing insects around the house and putting them outside. It's also cool because you can study them while they're in there.
I won't hurt my feeling to see the Ticks,Chiggers and Fleas take a hike for a few months. ;D

Good riddance
Tony lee
Scott Girvan said:
[quote author=Elm City Hobbies]
Moose season starts Thursday!


@ Scott Millican & Scott Girvan:


**** ! Just when I got a ticket to fly to Canada, where I intended to spend my holydays taking soothing walks in the forest with my brand new High Quality Moose Disguise and my Saturday Night Special Semi-Transparent (Glossy) Red Undies (visibly) over the disguise !!!

Oh ! You pair of two ( ;D ) have just ruined my year-dream :mad:

What else could / should I add, guys ? ;) :)
Here you have some (warning: the page says “R” rated) hunting jokes (http : // www . ourdeercamp . com / Jokes. htm) , surely you´ve listened before the one that ends with “ You didn't come here to hunt, did you ? ” ;D … maybe with the laughs there´s a chance that you fail your shoot ! ;)

PD: I´m learning also a lot of English here @ SMA !!!! for example, I dindn´t knew how to understand the phrase “I won't pull any punches” … now I know another expression !!! :D

@ Noname: :) I know, mate, I know. I won´t see these movies, because I really don´t need it, it would be very redundant. I´m aware of how things happens there. It´s very difficult to find that kind of special farms in my country, at least where I live… sadly I think that there isn´t just one. We have canine teeth in our denture because we were designed omnivore… and canine teeth are designed very specifically for a function… and I agree that it is a matter of either eating less meat or eating, as you say “humanely killed” animals… the lurid of this is… only we privileged ones, we the ones who can go to the markt and buy this and that, and have cholesterol, uric acid, etc… can have this kind of dialogue… while about ¿ 1000 MM people ? ¿more? are almost either in severe hungry or starving…

@ Biskup - Lukasz: :) boy, here where I live I still go to open â€" sky swimming pool @ 2200 hrs or so, when lights are out, and nobody there… (and I don´t need to bribe the night guard ! ;D )

@ Gundamhead: :) ufff seriously, I couldn´t endure your winters, I need sun & light in tons ! If I´m lucky I´ll be in Almería (sun and almost heat full January month) with an average temperature in winter of +12ºC or so !!! And sun !!!!

@ Igard: Betta Bug Katcha sounds to me like a rap music group !!! … no, seriously, what a good idea ! … by now I use some kitchen paper to “move” spiders & non flying bugs. The joke about this is that I´m the only one at home not bitten by insects !

@ Tony Lee: Oh, man ! ;D Have you ever tried to make some coffee and have a serious talk with them? Maybe they´re waiting a beck from you !!! I understand that you´ve got almost a fully scale landing at home… (PD: I know what is a Flea, but I don´t know what is either a Tick or a Chigger, but I´m sure that they have very little in common with shrimps, prawns & that kind of stuff ;D … going to the on-line free dictionary right now).
Moose hunting is a long shot up here. (Pun intended) Licenses are awared by draw and not many get one.

As for deer, not many around my region...going to Saskatchewan in November for a week. :)
Autum/winter is my favorite time of year for my photograpy :) im not a summer person being warm blooded dont help much

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