Sd.Kfz.7 and 15cm sFH18

Seven of Nine

New Member
Apr 24, 2011
time to start my first build here!

like moon puppy this build is part of our own humble "Have Gun will Travel" group build i want to encourage everybody to join - lotsa fun!

be warned that i include a link with music i listen to in every update i make! (i'm notorious for that!)

some bits and pieces are a bit crooked (no surprise after tearing the assembly apart and glue together again three motherf&$*#§g times!) but i'm still satisfied with the outcome so far ... filling and sanding is certainly needed anyway ...

Velvet Acid Christ - Caustic Disco



(I'll take care of the crooked handrail!)

Sweet ...cant get enough of these ;D, I'll tag along if ya dont mind . I done exactly the same combo last year ...really enjoyed it !! hope you do ... By the way ....Dragon or Trumpeter ?

Hey Laura,

Sorry to hear about th problems with th Gun ... BUt If you can take that Alan Pz. II & take it from a Sow's Ear to Silk Purse - This should not be too bad for ya !! That Dragon HT will fly together - One Note * Just watch the front cab assembly on th Sd.Kfz 7 I found it slightly Fiddley. I know you'll Rock it out !!
panzerace007 said:
Sorry to hear about th problems with th Gun ...

no problem - a challenge!

strange kit! strange engineering! progress doesn't look like much but the equilibrator pistons (or what those two thingies are called) gave me some headache to mount.

on the one hand trumpeter instructions suggest the howitzer to be built in towed position and don't give any alternative but on the other hand the recoil system rod is only a short length of about 5mm, so the barrel should be mounted in firing position - unacceptable! anybody remember mr paperclip from ms office? i found better usage for him! the recoil cylinder looks askew in the pics but it's aligned correctly in RL (if not - i will return and check again - it will be corrected!)

Agonoize - Koprolalie



Hi Seven ,you're getting on fine with this . If you are putting the gun in the towed position you dont actually need the recoil rod . That was removed and the barrel/breech slid to the back of the rails and secured , the aiming sights were also removed . ;)

Seven of Nine artillery is always impressive especially when there is a prime mover looking forward to see how your build turns out...... nice work!

As for music going to see Rammstein next week opening for them will be Combichrist should be amazing!!

Here is a sample of Combichrist/Rammstein in the future I will post this type of topic in Chit Chat its were it should really belong.

Combichrist - Sent To Destroy (music video)
Rammstein - Reise Reise + Links 2 3 4 (Völkerball)

Yip .....that sure is a nice looking big gun ;D, Tidy work Seven ,bring on the paint :D

Yeah, Seven .... Lookin Good !!! Great Job on all of th little X-tras. I'm lookin' forward to seein Paint on This Beast !!

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