Second post ... new to forum .... introduction


New Member
Jan 30, 2025

Figure since I started posting, I should introduce myself.

I was originally from Canada ... moved to SC in the 90's ... now in VT.

I built models from as far back as I can remember (mom and dad would help me build models when I was maybe 5 or 6), till when I was in college (by then I was casting parts and trying for realism).

I am a machinist by trade, went to a three year college for engineering ... and am a general "mr fix it" (heck, a few weeks ago I was standing in a barn full of cows working on the neighbors tractor) My wife is paralyzed from the shoulders down as the result of diving accident when she was 12 .. so I work out of the house. I am just finishing up building a workshop (you can check out of my facebook page and see the project ... 4500 sq ft and have put every nail in myself. ). There is also pictures of the control boxes I built and a Victrola I refurbished last year. Just a big kid .... never grew up ... like to play!

I had always planned to get back into my "old" hobbies ... never lost interest. I still have all my HO trains packed away in boxes. I have my slot cars (Strombecker 1/32). I even have my 049 Cox control line engines.

Over the years I have collected "a lot" of plastic models. I am guessing there is 20 or more in boxes waiting to be built. There is the Gemini capsule ... the transparent P51 Mustang ... an Avro Arrow ... a few Glenco space models ... a cut away submarine ... I don't even remember what others.

Anyway .... I am hoping that once I finish the workshop, I will have time to get back back into model building. At 62, I am not getting any younger.

I am still on the hunt for a few things ..... a detail kit for the Gemini (that was my first post I just put up.

I love the Disney version of the Nautilus ... till having problems finding one .... thinking I may have to learn to 3D print to get this one.

I also will post in a few days for advice on the Seaview and Flying Sub. Of all things I have never used a photo etch kit ... not sure if I need one (or a decal kit) for these two kits.

Hope everyone is well and staying warm!

Michael Csele
Jericho, VT
Hey! Welcome Michael!

Look forward to learning more about what the "big kid" is playing with!

Wanna see that one!
My dad would just shake his head whenever that subject came up.
"What was 'Dief' thinking?!"
As a kid in Ottawa in the 60s, I didn't have a clue!
It took me a while to find that ... actually found it in Canada and had it shipped.

I even have a piece of the real Arrow .... found it on ebay years ago.

Avro Arrow Part

PS ... love Ottawa ... I took the wife there about 10 years ago ... Parliament ... war museum .... Canadian Aviation and Space Museum ... Science Museum .... Diefenbunker ...

We tried Quebec City but she hated the cobblestone streets ... cute but not fun in a wheelchair.

My mom has passed but when she was alive, I would go "over" the lake back home to Welland ... gave me a chance to stop at Upper Canada Village .... Kingston .... Trenton .... Black Creek Pioneer Village .... Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum ... then the forts and power plants in Niagara ....
war museum
Nice! We live 10 minute walk from the war museum, so handy to the river to walk the dog; it was -2°F yesterday morning! He loves it, as long as there is a ball to chase and a treat for a fetch.
Hi, Michael! I just said hi to you over at FineScale, too! Welcome to the Herd!
Best regards,
I wont hold the fact you're from Welland against
Ex lives there now...just up the 406...I go around
Howdy, Michael, welcome to the Addict! I can't see your Spacebook posts, not a member, but no worries. Have fun and post em when ya got em!

Cheers, Ski.
Welcome!!!!! Many great people here, post pictures of your builds as you go, we like to see.

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