Secret "???????????"


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
I think we should do more Secret "Whatever holiday we decide to do" for more Holidays other then Christmas. This was one of the most fun gift exchanges I've ever participated in. Tons of fun so far and I haven't even started my kit I received yet. Just a thought. Whats some of ya alls opinions on it ?
Well, everyone loves giving and receiving gifts, but I think with the busy BSC season coupled with the summer doldrums, the biggest effect is around Christmas :) it might dilute the experience if its pushed into other holidays. Perhaps a designated swap meet of sorts from stash to stash?? The Great SMA " Garage Sale" if you will. Lol
TBadger said:
Well, everyone loves giving and receiving gifts, but I think with the busy BSC season coupled with the summer doldrums, the biggest effect is around Christmas :) it might dilute the experience if its pushed into other holidays. Perhaps a designated swap meet of sorts from stash to stash?? The Great SMA " Garage Sale" if you will. Lol

HA HA I feel ya T. Sounds good to me ha ha. I just posted a suggestion in the suggestion thread I think you may be very supportive of. Check it out and post your thoughts. Thanks friend.
Hey Hooterville,

It seems like everybody is having a great experience with this years SMA Secret Santa and I couldn't be happier. That being said, SMA holds so many events all year long that to do more "Secret Santa" type events would probably distract from them. Just wait for the Big Spring Contest! With out a doubt it is the strongest online model building contest you can find. That and the sponsors provide the coolest prizes from airbrushes, paint sets, kits. Last year a bunch of the members even kicked in and donated prizes. Hooterville, just wait, there are plenty of cool build oriented activities coming along.


Happy Holidays

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