Snow on model AFV's


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Aug 25, 2024
So. Many years ago, I built a Monogram 1/32 Panzer IV with snow weathering. I am considering the same thing for an Academy M36 B1 TD that I am finishing up now. If my memory serves me correctly, I used baking soda and a spray over it. Was it hairspray or Clearcoat? I don't remember.

It Was Way simpler than white glue and pigments and yada yada. I like simple.

Any advice would be good.

My old PZ IV Kit:

View attachment 130575pz41.jpg
Woodland Scenics is a company that makes snow products for dioramas and models. There are probably others too.
I don't have the computer skills to post a link using my phone.
I've used plaster of paris for this, use a strainer to control the amount. The stuff from hobby stores is white, sometimes the stuff from home-improvement stores can be a bit off-white. I think they use it for sheetrock :)

I've also heard that tile grout works well too.
Can't say I've ever done that, but have achieved a similar effect standing at the bus stop in February!
Icing sugar or talc must be fine enough as well...
I've used baking soda for snow, but no food product is an ideal product to use. They deteriorate with time. The baking soda yellowed over time, for example. I definitely would not use sugar in any form; it will eventually draw bugs and other types of pests. Same goes for flour.
I have read about using products from the model railroad side of the hobby, or glass microballoons.
I suppose you could keep them in the fridge!
Good point about food products... guess all the Christmas baking around here has made an impression!
For a while, snow in a can got to be really popular with the crafting set for wreaths and decorations... is that still a thing? And would it be fine enough?

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