Space light Battlecruiser PIRANHA 1/350

May 11, 2012
There is nothing to show, but the idea is to make this set something special would not leave my head for a long time, and it has happened, the whole idea is fitted within the head, picked up parts .... So: taken as a basis set from the light icebreaker Arktika, and beaten Tu-154 from Zvezda ......Two buildings from the icebreaker will be used to decks to each other ..... here yet what to do .......

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And here is what was done in the first phase construction .....

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that is starting to look pretty cool I like it I to had and am tring to figure out how to get what is in this rat trap mind of mine into a model aircraft carrier.
Totally. This is very creative and very cool. Man, what huge options for paint.

Really liking's like concept art...very cool.
Made additional docking bays, various small nice looking stuff, the work is to create evacuation capsules ..... Generally speaking, all the changes are visible in the photo, I think .....Primed fine to look at the doorsteps ....... keel back without him ......... stuck like engines

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This is very kewl!!!!
I of course, thought of the film, "The Fifth Element" when I saw it. This ship could benefit from lighting, but either way, it looks AWESOME!
;D ;D ;D
Thank you all!! So his size: 38 cm long, and without wings body width 10cm. :D ;D Here's a whopper.
Sheathed sheets, so it looks like more space.

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Looks great, and THIS is a perfect example of "How the little things can make a BIG difference."
Those panels you have added, really does bring a lot to this ship!
I am looking forward to seeing her completed.
Well this is an ambitious and wild project...and you're totally rocking it! Cool looking ship, reminds me of some 1970s British sci-fi paintings. I really dig it!
I seem to finish.Much repainted, reworked, in general here.

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