Star Destroyer Mirage (kitbash with a Mirage IV)


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
A friend of mine gave me 2 kits of a Mirage IV Heller; 1/72.
Immediatly, I had a vision : making a Star Destroyer with the upper wings.

With some parts from a Heavy Metal L-gaim robot, Gundam, and various other kits (tanks, ships, you name it), and a structure of plastic sprues, I made this.

Ended up with this...

And finally this...


Last June, on a Local Parisian Modeler Exhibition show...

The fun part was doing the edges, no real detailing here, aonly plastic sprues, it's good in a way, but you don't want to watch too close :D
Solander said:
Looks a bit kinda early destroyer's design from the "Attack of the Clones"
Superb! :)

That was the original idea and then... Well... I listened to the Kit Parts and they pretty have their own mind, "glue here... do that..." Inspiration one might say, Muse in other words... They can't let an honest modeler do what he wants to build. Silly world... ;D ;D ;D
Recent picture done at Geekopolis festival


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