Star Trek Voyager Shuttlecraft


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
Here is the regular Shuttle from Star Trek Voyager, a resin kit (3 parts), done 6 years ago... Would have done it differently now, but here it is.

The decals sheet is a MESS... Fragile, it was such a pain to apply it that i renounce to do it further.

The most difficult part was the cockpit, didn't understood why the black paint didn't stay here... It was weathering powder from Gundam marker. Did wash it but it's not clean enough. Will try something else sometime...

Cool!! Always wondered something about that many shuttlecraft did that ship possess?? They sure did lose a lot of them for being so far out in space ;)
Don't think the loose that many, actually... They even did a big Shuttlecraft, making little concern about the Captain'yacht that never happend to be used in any movies or TV series even though it was there... ;)
I thought that they built one of their own? Alpha Flier? If they had the raw material, they could use the 'replicators' to make the parts, couldn't they? My 2 cents... ::)
A sharp little build, Youli!
The replicator was limited to essential parts, even for cooking that's why they have to use the kitchen instead of their replicator machine.
The Alpha Flyer was made to gather different technology, including starfleet and borg if i'm not mistaken. A good way to investigate without risking the main vessel.

But I do love the Voyager TV series. Some episodes are HUGE. My favorite ? Year of hell. and all the ones concerning the Borg.
It's not as good as can be every episodes of DS9, or some of Enterprise (the mirror episodes ? My favorites !), but it's good memory from the time I discover it with VHS (PAL with no subtitles, Star Trek was and still is not well known in France, even though now we have all the movies, and TV series on DVD, you'll never find the total series in VHS and the dubbing in french is a catastrophe !).