Taking a bit of time off


Active Member
Nov 24, 2009
I just wanted all of you to know that between now and Dec. 14th I will be concentrating on work. Some of you are aware of what I do for a living some are not.

I own a tutoring service for students at Texas A&M university. I will personally help close to 1000 students with their final exams in the next ten days. (That does not count the students that my other tutors will see, that will push this number closer to 2000) Needless to say that will keep me very, very busy.

I won't have time to drop by the forum until the 14th. I have more than one 12 hour day ahead of me.

See you all in a couple of weeks....

G, Thank you for all you do for the students at Texas A&M. I knew you had your own business but wasnt aware of what you did. Stock up on coffee and try to enjoy your busy work days as much as you can. It is what you make of it my friend. We all will surely miss you during your couple week break and will talk with you when you return.
Dusky said:
I love how professors schedule tests right before finals week. ???

Boy do they..... I end up working quite a few hours before finals because of this.

I only have 7 hours of work today and I am done until January 21st.....
Grendels I am one of your "students"...your posts here and videos have taught me a ton...and how about that Heisman??!!!!
I had a class going the night they announced who won the Heisman. Everything shut down for the 10 minutes leading up to it. Afterwards, all the students had to let out a whoop of joy!

The session went much better then. Lot's of happy excited students. The local bars were nuts that night.

And to think a freshman won that trophy.....

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