Thanks for the generous complements. I consider myself a student of the paint art, and I know I'm not worthy. Just trying to apply the techniques that I am learning here.
The base coat was a lightened mix of Tamiya German Grey. It then got a wash of thinned raw umber oil paint. It was then dry-brushed with a light grey Humbrol enamel. The dry-brush knocked down a lot of the wash effects (dark shades and shadows) so it got a pin wash with the raw umber oil-paint-wash. That was it for the base coats. it then got some dots and scratches with brown/black acrylics, and some stains with rust enamels. The finale was a VERY diluted buff colored Tam. acr. over the whole thing with emphasis on the lower portion of the hull and running gear. Then a brown ("flat earth" color) Tam. acr. VERY diluted over the lower sections only. It was given a little dusting with MIG pigments ( P232 Dry Mud, and P028 Europe Dust) around the running gear and lower hull. Topped with Testors Dullcote for a flat finish. That's it. Go for it.
Photography continues to vex me! Nothing in pictures looks like it does in "real life" (the model in my hand). This a subject way above my pay-grade.