Tank Tracks - Tamiya M113 Tank


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Hey guys. I was looking over the directions to the Tamiya M113 Tank that Ian sent me for Secret Santa. I was reading about the Tracks for the tank. The way I understand about how you connect the tracks for the tank is to press the two dot type pieces of the track through the two holes on the connecting piece, put a piece of scotch tape over them and smash down the two dot type pieces ? Then it states to either thread or staple the tracks together. What confuses me is the tape part, do I actually leave the tape on the tracks when the two dot type pieces are smashed or does it come back off then ? Then another part that confuses me is it states to insert a nail into a 2 3/4" thick piece of wood, heat the nail then doesn't state anything further. What is the heated nail in the block of wood for ? Kind of confused over the tape, wood and nail parts of the directions lol ???? Has anyone built this and can explain this to me ? R tracks universal and all done the same way ? If needed I can take a photo of the directions and post it if no one can explain or doesn't understand it either. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.
lol. when you connect the track the little things are sticking up heat a screwdriver and melt them flat to the track. tape is only to hold them while you stick them together, you can remove it once you are done.
Not funny Spudster ha ha, this is my first tank ever and I havent a clue :D I dont see the need for tape. Just click the two dot thingermajingers and melt em :D
adampolo13 said:
Elm City Hobbies said:
I usually just hit them with some CA so they stay put


Just make sure you watch out how much CA you use.

I normally press them together, and then just run some thin CA in the seam on either side, capillary action sucks the CA in, press together and it sticks. Any shiny surface left over from the CA, can easily be hidden by some mud/pigments.
CA doesn't always want to work on the old rubber tracks in which case you can do what spud said or you can staple them together. You can also hide the joint until a fender, skirt or something.
adampolo13 said:
Elm City Hobbies said:
Same place mine is!

Hopefully on a container ship crossing the Pacific!!! ::)

Considering my supplier (and the Kinetic Importer to the US) says a January arrival, and Kinetic normally arrives late in the month, and that they haven't even been released from the manufacturer yet, I doubt very much if they are on a ship going anywhere yet.
There is NO way I am building a Kinetic kit for the BSC.... Hahaha. I tried this past spring and it didn't end up so great. So, I'm going to build some kind of Shake' n Bake kit. ;)
adampolo13 said:
So, I'm going to build some kind of Shake' n Bake kit. ;)

Sounds to me like the secret recipe that the step father and son combo do on the Hunting for Gators show ha ha . Shake N Bake!!!!!!

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