Tom Daniels Tributes - Koolwheelz miniature paper models


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2012
So I design and build paper models.
Years ago I created some small car models for myself and it started an entire collection called Koolwheelz.
(Koolwheelz models are shared online and are free to download and build)

These are models of vehicles that have special meaning or connection to me
and its a personal challenge to stylize and simplify the design down to as few parts as possible.
Plus, all the parts (and some build photos) must fit onto one letter size sheet of cardstock.
(Okay, so I have been forced to do a few two-page and three-page models! but its rare)

I also happen to love Tom Daniels designs, I had many of his kits as a kid.
And being an artist myself, I appreciate his amazing talent and style.

I've created close to a dozen Koolwheelz models of Tom Daniels designs so far.
I'm sure there will be more.
Heres a look, starting with two of my favorites: The Munster's kars.

Yes, both of these designed by Tom Daniels (and built in real life by others for Barris Kustoms)




Yes. I know. I put the pipes on backwards (on Drag-U-La)


Those are all pretty amazing and look really cool - Brilliant work. Love so many of Mr. Daniels' designs, too.
If you're's 1/4 scale...of the 1/12 scale plastic model...
which makes my paper version about 1/48 scale of the real thing, if there was a real thing!

adw-meanmav (1)_1231x800.jpgadw-meanmav (2)_1215x800.jpgadw-meanmav (3)_1210x800.jpgadw-meanmav (4)_1206x800.jpgadw-meanmav (5)_1213x800.jpg
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Honest Engine was actually a request (I don't usually do requests) from a good friend.
I never had this model but since it also happens to be a Tom Daniel design, it made it in.
Originally I had said no because it was too big of a model, requiring more than the standard "one sheet" design.

In the end, it turned out quite well, considering the necessary stylization and smaller scale.

lil engine box.jpg

lil engine coin_800x568.jpg



The Red Baron was the first TD's model I wanted to recreate as a paper miniature.
But I put it off for a very long time because of that domed helmet.

Domes and compound curved surfaces are the bane of paper modelers.
Since paper does not bend in two directions at the same time, you end up using a lot of segmented pieces.
And you end up with too many parts and too many seams in the construction.

Since my Koolwheelz models are supposed to simplified and simpler to build, I eventually went with a boxy shape.
But from most angles it doesn't look too bad.
Not bad for such a small model




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I just got around to seeing this and am blown away by this. What a cool hobby Dave!! I may have to go to your site and check that out brother.
All the Koolwheelz miniatures...well over 200 of them!...are free to download.
Print them on a regular sheet of 65lb cardstock.
Cut out the parts and assemble using (recommended) Aleenes Craft Glue (gold bottle).
Some models are simple enough, some have assembly help on the sheet,
and others have separate assembly sheets available at my forum
(note: you must register to get access. only way to keep out the spammers)

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