
Really nice, and the photography is very atmospheric!

I see this and immediately think of a movie, know there was no bear (the mammal) in it, but "The Beast" is a film worth seeing, probably not for date-night though.

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Thank you Edbert, I am very familiar with that movie, my sons practically grew up on it, along with "Quest for fire" "Alien" "The Thing" etc...
But the "The Beast" was their favorite by far. Saterday mornings were for cerial and those three movies on VCR tape.
The tank in the movie was a T62.

Another great vignette! We might say that animals are 'ignorant' of the 'morality' that often fuels our wars; we should reconsider that assertion.
YES IVE seen that movie an i may try to get it on dvd if there is one an my wife said that this film was cruel where they ran over a arab chap but love how you have made this model look with the bear in an yes my missus liked that as long as the tank dint run over the bear
The diorama puts me in mind of a documentary about wolves in Germany I watched a few years ago. There are plenty living on Bundeswehr training areas, and it was very funny seeing them going about their business in open areas in the forest as if there weren't Leopard 2 tanks and Marder MICVs driving around in the background. But the wolves are used to those vehicles, so they don't really care as long as they don't get too close.
Apparently, it came with this special edition kit. And it's not even unique:

LZ Models F35009.jpgmeetoy-putin-riding-on-a-bear-original-imaefkzhcgst2zej.jpeg

They're apparently based on this:


Which is a picture created by Photoshopping dear Vladimir Vladimirovich riding a horse, onto a picture of a running bear.

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