Unexpected breaks between clear coats


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
Hey all. Ive been working on a 1957 Chevy Bel Air where I completed the base coats, and gave two coats of clear coat. My daughter came home from school yesterday not feeling well at all and went into a full asthma attack. We took her immediately to the Hospital where she was admitted and diagnosed with Pneumonia. I have been at the hospital ever since, going home this afternoon long enough to tend to the animals, take a quick shower, grab some cloths and come back to the hospital.

Will this time between clear coats mess anything up or when I return home after her being discharged, can I continue as normal?
Hope your daughter's ok.... Clear coat should be fine. Nothing a wet sand couldn't fix :)
well i would be more concerned with your daughters health that an a bit of plastic than can be replaced.

I hope she will be Ok,
Spud of course I'm more concerned about my daughter, I was just asking in advance in case I needed to take additional steps when returning home. I didn't know if I could just continue as if there was no delay in the procedures or if I would have to strip everything and start again because there was too much time in between the procedures. (Had nothing but time on my hands the first day so thinking about my model building was what occupied my time until they got her stable) ha.

My kids are my life and first priority, was just curious. We were able to bring her home this afternoon from the hospital. Still has the Pnuemonia in both lungs and the Asthma but have her breathing under control. On two antibiotics and a steroid (Prednasone) as well as her daily medications. Poor kid has more steroids in er then Arod from the Yankees does lol. Was definitely a huge scare. She like Grendels daughter has really taken a interest in the airbrush. Her first comment to us when she was responsive and breathing controlably was dang Dad guess I wont be airbrushing anything for a week ha ha. Thanks for all the concern for my daughter from you all. Appreciate your concern.
Thanks for all the prayers and concern for my daughter and family from you all during her illness. Its been a rough two days, but she is now home from the hospital and resting. She will be off school till Monday. Thanks again I appreciate all your concern and well wishes.
Thats great news. Glad your daughter is feeling better.

Now that things have settled down for you at home, lets talk about your clear coat. Fist what type of clear did you spray two coats of? ( Was it an enamel or and acrylic? Or was an automotive type clear that uses a catalyst? ) If it is catalysed you will need to sand the entire model now before re-topoating. If its an acrylic or enamel we need to know the brand and how it was thinned or reduce for spraying. Some enamels and acrylics you can just re-topcoat with no prepe work, others will need sanded and some will even require a wait time after sanding before re-spraying to avoid solvent lift of the previous top coat. So give us a bit more info and we can get you headed in the right direction and back in the fun stuff!!! ;)
It was an acrylic clear coat. I currently use Future Floor Wax, straight from the bottle no thinner as my clear coat. I dump from the bottle to my cup and spray through the airbrush. No thinning at all.
By now, the Future clear coat has had time to harden. If you need to put more coats on it to deepen the gloss, just make sure you give the body a wipe to get any dust that has fallen on it the last couple of days, and then shoot it again with the Future.

Easy Peasy, Lemon Squizzy!
Elm City Hobbies said:
By now, the Future clear coat has had time to harden. If you need to put more coats on it to deepen the gloss, just make sure you give the body a wipe to get any dust that has fallen on it the last couple of days, and then shoot it again with the Future.

Easy Peasy, Lemon Squizzy!

Yup! What He said! Wipe and spray! ;D

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