The deal on Ebay I found is actually choose any 30 colors of the Model Air bottles for $81.20 + $12.62 shipping so it actually comes out to like $3.13 a bottle. You can choose your 30 colors of choice from 96 different color options plus the Gray primer. For that little of savings, Id rather order them off you and support your shop. Plus you said you can ship to PA, USA 20 bottles for $2. So if I order 30 colors, you could just ship two different envalopes with 15 in each. Im gonna be ordering them from you its just a matter of which month I actually end up ordering them. Being on a limited income and budget, I have to wait till the proper month to do my ordering ha ha. Im thinking Ill be ordering them March 1st (payday haha) because I must take February off from my splurge from Christmas. So stick with me and Ill give ya my order the beginning of March. Im going to send you a PM anyways because I want to ask you some color questions.